Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Pool Gate Regulations

    • A swimming pool gate blocks access by children to the swimming pool when an adult isn't present. While pool gate regulations vary, the U.S. Consumer Product and Safety Commission has a set of recommendations that many municipalities use as the guidelines for their city codes. Pool gates are only effective when used in conjunction with an appropriate swimming pool fence.

    In-Ground Pools

    • A swimming pool fence typically surrounds an in-ground swimming pool. The same building requirements apply to the pool gate as to the rest of the fence. City ordinances commonly require the swimming pool fence and pool gate be 4 feet tall and many require fencing that's 6 feet tall. The openings between the fence uprights mustn't be wider than 4 inches. Gates should open away from the pool. They must be self closing and must have a self-locking latch located on the poolside of the fence. The latch must be high enough that a child younger than 5 years old cannot reach it. Pool gate regulations specify that the opening between the pool gate and the fence should be very narrow.

    Above-Ground Pools

    • Pool gate regulations for above-ground pools are similar to those for in-ground pools with some variations allowed because of the variety of above-ground pools in use. If the above-ground pool is a solid side pool, its steep walls typically serve as its own barrier. Additional decking and a pool fence serve as another layer of security. To complete this setup, a pool fence on ground level must have the same gate setup as an in-ground pool. The gate may be on ground level or it may be at the top of the deck stairs. If the pool doesn't have stairs, but has a removable ladder, the space that allows access to the pool should have that section of the pool fenced, with a lockable gate preventing access.


    • In some cases a door from the house serves as a gate to the pool. Pool gate regulations in those instances require a door alarm that reaches at least 85 decibels. It should go off within 7 seconds of the door opening and sound for at least 30 seconds. The door gate alarm should have a distinctive sound. To allow adult access, a touch pad or manual control set high on the wall can temporarily turn off the alarm.

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