Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Are There Good Effective Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux Disease?

When it comes to treating acid reflux or consistent heartburn I am sure you would agree that you need to avoid harsh medications and chemicals.
You would be surprised the number of people who do not understand the long term effects when using antacids, even if these medications are prescribed by a doctor.
There is no doubt that when treating this naturally you will need to make dietary changes along with changes in your daily routine, however when you take into consideration the possible internal damage that may be caused by taking antacids, you will find this minimal effort will be well worth it.
Let me share some tips with you on how to treat it naturally.
Firstly do not eat just before going to bed, this will not help your cause, the reason is this.
When you lie down with food in your tummy the acids required for digestion can spill over into your esophagus.
So it is wise to let the tummy do its work before going to bed.
A good rule of thumb is not to eat about two hours before lying down.
Another tip is to drink water before going to bed and it is also a good idea to drink water throughout the day as this will help to neutralize acids which really helps with the digestive process.
So help the tummy out and if you do it will reward you with less acid reflux.
Another tool in your bag when tackling it naturally is to lose weight by exercising and eating right.
When you are overweight this in actual fact puts pressure on your tummy, this in turn forces the contents along with the acid required for digestion to spill into your esophagus.
In the event you are eating horrid foods such as calorie dense foods and fried foods, this will contribute further to your problem.
I think you are smart enough to know that a poor diet results in poor health and acid reflux will be one of the symptoms of such.
So to naturally treat it you will need to improve your diet by eating more fresh foods and foods which are high in fiber.
Eat leafy green salads and fresh fruit along with whole grains.
In the meat department you can include lean proteins such as, chicken, turkey and of course fish.
Obviously you will cut out the fattening and convenience foods.
Mother Nature is amazing and she supplies an abundance of natural healing foods for you to eat, certain foods help to calm symptoms of acid reflux within certain individuals.
Such foods include apples, bananas and honey.
Breads which are high in fiber are also useful as they help absorb acid.
There is no doubt that no solution fits all people - but you can rest assured that eating healthy and exercising will provide you with a better lifestyle and result in less symptoms.

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