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Self Defense Weapons should be part of your wardrobe

In today's world it has regretfully become a necessity for everyone to learn self defense especially women.  Attacks that have been reported on women have shown that many of them actually knew their attacker.  Given this, it's even more imperative that women pay closer attention to their surroundings and don't take anything for granted.  Trusting can be dangerous.  Women who know and trust the potential attacker most likely will not be able to foresee a possible attack.  This being said, it is a wise decision for women to choose and purchase self defense weapons.  Preparation is a key component in defense and carrying it is crucial. 

In today's market self defense weapons have grown considerably and the laws in most states have made it virtually easy for one to purchase these wonder devices.  One of my favorites for women carry is self defense sprays.  These pepper sprays are less-lethal self defense products that can be purchased as disguised tools or in traditional styling.  Many self defense sprays are compact in size and are made for carrying easily in a pocket or on a keychain.  This allows for immediate access to your defense device in the event you should need to use it.   Personal alarms are another great self defense product to have on you. 

These alarms are small, easily carried and are meant to be heard.  Carrying one of our alarms along with self defense spray will definitely help you out of a bad situation.  The loud noise that these alarms protrude will definitely swing attention to your direction.    If you are the avid traveler you should really consider carrying any one or more of our alarms.  These alarms come in many varieties and perform different duties.  The doorstop alarm is wedged on the bottom of any door, when someone tries to enter the alarm will sound.  We also carry window and door alarms.  These compact devices are easily installed in any window or door, can be taken with you at anytime and will provide you with the necessary alarm sounds if one should try to enter your hotel room. 

Stun guns seem to be very popular amongst the women population.  The one thing you should keep in mind with stun guns, you will definitely need to have close contact with your attacker in order for this device to be effective.  Without physical contact you will not be able to use it, however in most cases your attacker will try to come from behind and grab you so in this scenario the stun gun is a perfect weapon.  Taser guns are in my opinion the ultimate in protection tools.  Taser guns afford you the luxury of being up to 15 feet away from your would-be attacker.  There's no need to have physical contact and you can shoot someone anywhere on the body and it will perform to its fullest potential. 

We carry many varieties of self defense weapons for you to choose.  The question becomes, which one is the right one for you?  Only you can make that determination alone.  All these devices are affordable, compact and will help you defend yourself against any attacker.  One shouldn't hesitate in purchasing a self defense weapon no matter which one you choose as long as you choose one. 

Always remember while purchasing a weapon is your first line of defense and a very wise decision, making sure you have it with you at all times is a smart way of thinking.  If you are looking for more information on all the different defense products we carry please visit our web site. 

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