Health & Medical Men's Health

How to Enlarge Your Penis - Top 10 Ways

Would you like to increase the size of your penis? Given below are the 10 easy steps that will help you in enlarging your penis.
Follow them and experience a wonderful sex life.
Penile enlargement exercise:
Penile enlargement exercise is the most effective method to enlarge your penis in the best suitable and effective.
Undergo any of the penile enlargement exercise and see the difference in the size and the girth of your penis within 2 weeks.
Eat blood enhancing food:
Eating good food without fat helps you increase in proper blood circulation including the penile area.
Increase in the inflow of blood towards this region helps in growth of the size and the girth of your penis.
Trim pubic hair:
Trimming your pubic hair also helps in increasing your penis size.
An inch or half an inch of your penis is being covered by your pubic hair.
If you remove your pubic hair, you can gain an inch or half an inch immediately.
May be you will feel uncomfortable before but you will get used to it soon and it is very much hygienic too.
Avoid pills:
There are many pills that promise to make your penis larger than ever.
But never go for it.
The best way is doing it by natural ways that do not have any side effects.
Enlargement device:
Don't take for granted whatever they are selling in the market as enlargement device.
Even if you want to buy an enlargement device just have a good look and reviews and comment about that product.
But the best way is the natural ways of enlarging your penis that do not have any side effects.
Take hot shower or bath:
this method works pretty effective before sex.
Take a quick hot shower and you will get to see the difference in size of your penis.
Using Lubrication:
Using lubrication helps in performing any kind of exercise to increase your penis size.
Performing this exercise without a lubricant may hurt your penis.
So, using a lubricant is the best suitable way of performing an exercise and you can enjoy it too.
Stretch your ligaments:
Stretching your penis in all the direction, left, right, up and down and holding it for a minute in all the direction and repeating this action for 10-15 times also helps in increasing the size of your penis.
Learn to Jelq:
Jelqing is the most common exercise to increase penis size naturally.
You have to make an OK sign by your thumb and fingers.
The grape your penis with a grip to the end of the pubic bond and stroke down your penis almost like milking action.
You should repeat this action with your other hand also.
Repeat this session for almost like 100-500 depending on your desire penis size.
Lose weight:
Being overweight may also lead to decrease in your penis size by an inch or half an inch as per increase in weight by 30 pounds.
Scientists have proved that increase in body weight leads to decrease in penis size.

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