Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

How to Adjust the Focus When Taking a Close-Up Picture

    • 1). Turn off the automatic focusing on your camera by adjusting it to the manual mode. The manual mode can be a dial or button to press on the top of a camera or you can access it from the on-screen display menu. The manual mode is abbreviated by “M” on most cameras.

    • 2). Access the menu on your camera for the ISO and adjust this setting to the lowest possible number. The lowest setting is usually 100 ISO. The ISO level adjusts the image sensor’s sensitivity to light. Lower settings are used in up-close photography for subjects or objects.

    • 3). Turn your aperture setting to f/11 or higher. You may have the aperture setting on your camera lens and turn the ring to dial in this setting, or your aperture setting may be in the menu section on a digital camera and you select it on the LCD screen. The aperture setting controls the light in a photo. Levels of f/11 or higher, limit the light on your subject for a crisp photo without excess lighting.

    • 4). Set your shutter speed on the LCD screen menu to the highest setting for a moving close-up, or to the lowest setting for a still photo. Higher shutter speeds for moving objects remove the blur of motion from your pictures.

    • 5). Point your camera at the object or subject for the close-up photo and adjust the lens so that the object fills the viewing screen. Turn the lens ring in one direction until the object becomes slightly out of focus. Turn the lens ring in the opposite direction until the object becomes out of focus. Turn the lens ring to the center of the two areas that were out of focus for a crisp photo.

    • 6). Press the shutter release button half-way down to frame the object in your LCD screen. Press the shutter release button down completely to take the photo.

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