Law & Legal & Attorney Real estate & property Law

Dwelling Fire Policies in Tennessee

    Wiring Methods

    • There are specific wiring methods that are allowed for installing electrical equipment. These include armored cable, electrical metallic tubing, electrical nonmetallic tubing, flexible metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit, liquid-tight flexible conduit, metal-clad cable, nonmetallic sheathed cable, rigid nonmetallic conduit, rigid metallic conduit, service entrance cable, surface raceways, underground feeder cable and underground service cable. All wiring for your home must be one of these types.

    Chimneys and Fireplaces

    • Any fuel-burning appliances must be vented, according to the manufacturer's instructions, unless they are classified as invented. The venting system also has to satisfy the draft requirements put forth by the manufacturer. The venting system needs to be so constructed and installed as to promote a positive air flow to channel any combustion products outside of the dwelling. Chimneys will also need to be fire-blocked.

    Fire-blocking Requirements

    • In any combustible construction, all draft openings that are concealed need to be cut off. This applies to horizontal and vertical openings. Fire-blocking provides a barrier to fire between the levels of the home and also between the top story and the space below the roof. Any concealed spaces between partition and stud walls must be fire-blocked in a wood frame house. This includes furred spaces and rows of studs that either run vertically at floor and ceiling levels or run horizontally no more than 10 feet apart. Any interconnections between these spaces, such as in cove or drop ceilings or soffits, also must be fire-blocked. Other concealed spaces occur between the top and bottom of stair stringers. Any openings around ducts, vents, pipes, wires or cables need to be fire-blocked as well. In a two-family dwelling, the cornices between the two units also need to be fire-blocked.

    Water Heaters

    • Water heaters needed to be installed, according to the manufacturer's instructions. If they are not electric, they cannot be installed in a room that is used for storage. If they are in a bedroom or bathroom, they must be inside a sealed enclosure. This is required so the air for combustion is not taken from the living space.

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