5 Tips To Learn Guitar Chords For Beginners
The main difficulties faced by most beginners is the memorization of guitar chords and the ability to change them smoothly.
Some gave up as it seems like an impossible task for them.
As much as we dread it, it is a process that we cannot fast forward.
Recalling chords instantly and playing any song that you like is the ultimate goal for all beginners.
However, you need to complete the initial stage of playing your first song perfectly.
This article provides helpful tips for beginners who want to learn guitar chords successfully.
5 Tips to learn guitar chords for beginners: 1.
Getting a guitar chord book Every aspiring guitarist needs a good chord book for easy reference and learning.
The book teaches you all the common types of chords and progressions that you need to know.
You do not have to waste time finding out what is the order of chords to learn.
The chords are presented with common diagrams accompanied with real-life photos so that you can see clearly where to place your fingers on the fretboard.
The better books will display each chord with different variations and different progressions for you to explore alternative ways of playing.
The different chord formations will come in handy when you are looking for the simpler way to change chords.
Getting into the right finger positions Are you having a hard time getting your fingers in the right position while changing chords? Many beginners feel the strain of playing difficult chords especially with the ring and last finger.
It is important to play in a comfortable position, relax your wrist and fingers.
Place your index finger correctly so that the rest of the fingers will rest on the fretboard.
If you feel uncomfortable or painful while forming the chord, readjust the position of your fingers.
Stretching exercises are essential for beginners as they will build the strength and agility of the fingers in order to switch between chords.
Changing chords Changing chords can be really hard for guitar beginners.
Chord progressions are usually chords played in a repeating sequence within a music composition or song.
Hence, the best way of learning is by playing songs.
For easy reference, you can put together the chords of a song into a chart.
Some websites enable you to customize the chart by selecting diagrams of specific chords and print it out.
Start by playing the entire song slowly then build up speed to the original tempo when you are able to change the chords smoothly.
Trying to rush a change makes it harder to get your fingers into position for the next chord.
As there are different variations for forming each chord, apply the most appropriate shape to the progression, that is to take the shortest route to move from one to another.
For example, if you are changing from E to B major, it is easier to play both from the seventh fret rather than rushing from the seventh fret to the second.
Remembering chords The inability to remember chords is the reason why you are unable to change them smoothly.
The best way to memorize chords is to practice with your eyes closed.
Alternatively, you can keep playing the same progression while watching your favorite television programme.
This will take your eyes off the fretboard.
As you repeat the same finger pattern over time, a long-term memory is created for it.
You will eventually form it naturally without conscious effort.
How To Practice Effectively The keys to effective practice is consistency and repetition.
Daily practice of ten minutes is better than weekly session of eight hours.
Short sessions make it easier for beginners to focus on perfecting chord formations and help to get over the soreness on your fingers.
Concentrate on a chord or progression for each session instead of learning different patterns back to back as it may cause forgetting of the initial one.
Then repeat the finger pattern till you master it.
Repetition enables you to remember the movement that will become automatic and improve with practice.
Learning guitar chords for beginners can be a daunting experience.
However, it is achievable if you have a good reference book, can form chords correctly and know the best way to change, memorize and practice chords.
Some gave up as it seems like an impossible task for them.
As much as we dread it, it is a process that we cannot fast forward.
Recalling chords instantly and playing any song that you like is the ultimate goal for all beginners.
However, you need to complete the initial stage of playing your first song perfectly.
This article provides helpful tips for beginners who want to learn guitar chords successfully.
5 Tips to learn guitar chords for beginners: 1.
Getting a guitar chord book Every aspiring guitarist needs a good chord book for easy reference and learning.
The book teaches you all the common types of chords and progressions that you need to know.
You do not have to waste time finding out what is the order of chords to learn.
The chords are presented with common diagrams accompanied with real-life photos so that you can see clearly where to place your fingers on the fretboard.
The better books will display each chord with different variations and different progressions for you to explore alternative ways of playing.
The different chord formations will come in handy when you are looking for the simpler way to change chords.
Getting into the right finger positions Are you having a hard time getting your fingers in the right position while changing chords? Many beginners feel the strain of playing difficult chords especially with the ring and last finger.
It is important to play in a comfortable position, relax your wrist and fingers.
Place your index finger correctly so that the rest of the fingers will rest on the fretboard.
If you feel uncomfortable or painful while forming the chord, readjust the position of your fingers.
Stretching exercises are essential for beginners as they will build the strength and agility of the fingers in order to switch between chords.
Changing chords Changing chords can be really hard for guitar beginners.
Chord progressions are usually chords played in a repeating sequence within a music composition or song.
Hence, the best way of learning is by playing songs.
For easy reference, you can put together the chords of a song into a chart.
Some websites enable you to customize the chart by selecting diagrams of specific chords and print it out.
Start by playing the entire song slowly then build up speed to the original tempo when you are able to change the chords smoothly.
Trying to rush a change makes it harder to get your fingers into position for the next chord.
As there are different variations for forming each chord, apply the most appropriate shape to the progression, that is to take the shortest route to move from one to another.
For example, if you are changing from E to B major, it is easier to play both from the seventh fret rather than rushing from the seventh fret to the second.
Remembering chords The inability to remember chords is the reason why you are unable to change them smoothly.
The best way to memorize chords is to practice with your eyes closed.
Alternatively, you can keep playing the same progression while watching your favorite television programme.
This will take your eyes off the fretboard.
As you repeat the same finger pattern over time, a long-term memory is created for it.
You will eventually form it naturally without conscious effort.
How To Practice Effectively The keys to effective practice is consistency and repetition.
Daily practice of ten minutes is better than weekly session of eight hours.
Short sessions make it easier for beginners to focus on perfecting chord formations and help to get over the soreness on your fingers.
Concentrate on a chord or progression for each session instead of learning different patterns back to back as it may cause forgetting of the initial one.
Then repeat the finger pattern till you master it.
Repetition enables you to remember the movement that will become automatic and improve with practice.
Learning guitar chords for beginners can be a daunting experience.
However, it is achievable if you have a good reference book, can form chords correctly and know the best way to change, memorize and practice chords.