Business & Finance Home Based Business

The One Week Marketing Plan – Honest Review

This is my honest review of The One Week Marketing Plan that was written by Jennifer Ledbetter better known as PotPieGirl. Jennifer is a work from home mom living in Georgia who was desperate to make money from home. Through her struggle of figuring out how to make money on the internet she started to take notes of what has worked for her and how she started making more and more money. As she was building one advertising campaign after another using only free methods, she has penned down her strategy that developed into a winning recipe. She has called this her One Week Marketing Plan, because the guide shows you how to build one advertising campaign every 7 days.

After a lot of skepticism whether I want to buy this guide or not Jennifer convinced me through her honesty after reading her comments in the Wealthy Affiliate forum. I don’t buy any product unless I know the person behind the product. When I saw how many people loved this guide especially the new affiliate marketers I thought I’d give it a try.

What can you learn from this guide?
  • First it shows you how to pick a product to promote at clickbank.
  • It shows you how to do keyword research on the product and how to pick long tail keywords with low competition.
  • After that Jennifer shows you how to build a squidoo lens or a hubpage , to promote the product under those keywords.
  • After building the squidoo lens what to do to get indexed by google.
  • How to link your lenses together.
  • How to write an article on each lens to drive traffic to your lens.
  • What to do when you don’t get indexed by google.
  • How to monitor your traffic in squidoo.

  • The OWM plan is divided into 7 days. Each day has it’s own tasks to follow. I like this because you know exactly what to do next. It also keeps you focused and to work towards a goal. After applying all these steps I have finally made my first 2 sales at clickbank. This was the first time something worked for me after trying a lot of other programs. I was so excited to see results that I immediately started my next campaign. This is a lot of work but it really gives good results. This product really delivers what it says if you are willing to put in some effort. With these methods Jennifer made over $154 819 in one year. She says that if you are willing to do this for just one year you might not have to work for the rest of your life. Well I am on my way doing this for I would like to work from home and want to be free of commuting to work in the traffic everyday.

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