Travel & Places Outdoors

Make More Sales By Foot In The Door - Blog Writing

Blog writing if not enough visitors to buy from your site. It may be because you're asking is that too big jump. If you can get them to agree to have a small first step. They are more likely to make a bigger step later. This is known in psychology as the principle of "commitment and consistency": when someone makes an initial appointment for something. Then they are more inclined to act in a manner consistent with the initial commitment. You can also think of this as a "foot in the door" technique. A salesperson at the customer's front door just trying to get their foot in the door first. And that is the step first (last) makes a sale.

This is very important to consider your website because website visitors are reluctant to take action - especially when it comes to disclosing credit card details. Blog writing personal information, or even just an address email. Even if you know that they can trust you. They do not! so you have to gain their trust in small steps and gradually lead them to take big steps. Despite the commitment to starting small may be all it takes. Such a small crack in a dam. Which begins the process of breaking the dam wall. Here are five ways to use the principle of commitment and consistency on your website. 1. Involve them from. Attract visitors in certain actions - however small - as quickly as possible.
Blog writing

One option to download the free e-book or special report offers. Do not ask for a name or e-mail address in exchange for giving them the report - just make a report free one-click download. Even better, they participate in interactive. Like a survey or self-assessment questionnaire. If you can convince them to complete a questionnaire. You can make recommendations based on their results. And it leads them to the next step naturally. 2. Design of way through the site. The web site does not provide a clear way for visitors to follow. Blog writing they can provide basic information on the home page. And products accessible through the menu. But they did not create a clear path. This makes it difficult for visitors to the site. Because they do not know better to over-at every step. Do not make this mistake. For each of your products and services designed to clear a path from the home page to order. This path may involve clicking through a series of pages. So make sure there is a clear "next step" at the end of each page. Here is a clear example of the way: home describes the problem in visitors life and then linking to another page. Blog writing the next page shows a short video which describes the problem in more detail. Explain their cause and describe how your product solves.

Video ends a user clicks on a link. Here's a link to a page with a description of the sale of your product more. This is a buy now button allows. Buy now button takes them to the order process. This is much more efficient than waiting for the visitors to find their own way around the site. You are leading them along a well-planned path. From the very small steps. 3. Blog writing use the "dogs sale" technique. When a pet smart store that has an interest in the dog family. She has to send home with them for the weekend. Of course, the family fell in love with the dog over the weekend! it's a puppy sales techniques. You can use the same principles to your web site. blog writing give it to the customer without obligation. And their credit card details but tell them you do not process transactions for. Say, 30 days. Even if some people return of the product will be many more like it to try it out. 4. Blog writing make it part of a collection. When the client is an element in the collection. They naturally want to complete the collection. If it makes sense to turn your product into a collection - or create a collection of related products - to do this. And then offer individual items to customers from time to time. They will not only feel more inclined to buy the entire collection for a long time. They will appreciate you reminding them of new items. 5. Build a subscription service. Sell your product or service. Rather than as a one-time project. Consider the possibility of providing an ongoing subscription service. Customers who register for the service you pay a small monthly or annual fee. But to continue to pay the fee indefinitely. This is the model used by mobile phone companies. Cable tv subscriptions, magazine subscription. "book of the month" clubs. Etc. It's so effective because customers who have made the commitment to become accustomed to this service is available so that they do not want to cancel it. For fear of losing.

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