Health & Medical Lose Weight

Tips For You to Lose Belly Fat

Include Whole Grains in your daily diet:
Whole grains such as barley, buckwheat and bulgur taste delicious and are very good for a healthy body.
Studies have suggested these grains reduce risks of cardiac ailments up to 21%.
Also, these grains reduce the risk of diabetes by 30%.
The antioxidant properties of these grains reduce inflammation in your body and shield you from asthma and arthritis.
These grains are a rich source of fiber and vitamin B.
These grains digest slowly and keep your stomach full for a longer time, and this reduces your food intake and consequently you lose belly fat.
Have short meal intakes in a day:
The best way to lose belly fast is not to diet, but to eat short meals throughout the day.
You can break down you large meal intake into smaller meals.
You can have 5-6 meals in a day.
This will keep your hunger at bay and you won't feel the urge to eat heavily.
Stay away from sweets:
If you want to shed your excess pounds and lose belly fat, you must try to avoid eating sweets such as cakes, cookies and candies.
These sweets contain ample calories and add on to your fat accumulation.
If you really have an urge to eat sweets, you can have low calorie sweets.
It is advisable that you restrict your intake of sweets to once in a week.
Alter you eating habits:
If you have the knack of snacking heavily while watching TV late at night, then you must try to change your habit.
The problem with snacking while watching TV at night is that after eating, you don't get any physical activity.
It increases the sugar levels in your body which turns into fat.
Reduce your Soda intake:
Soda drinks contain artificial sweets, and drinking soda regularly significantly adds on to your calorie intake.
If you are a regular drinker of soda, you can gradually reduce your intake and finally completely phase out.
Regular workout:
Regular workouts are perhaps the best way to lose belly fat.
However, while you work you must not focus on a particular area of the body such as the abdomen or belly, but focus to tone the entire body.
Heavy weight lifting and rigorous squats or crunches won't serve your purpose.
You must go easy with your exercise initially.
A regular workout is the key.

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