Where to Find Cheap Tickets to the Blue Man Group
- The Blue Man Group discounts tickets for certain weekday performances. In New York, for example, a ticket for one of these shows cost $55 as of August 2009, That is $15 to $25 cheaper than the usual full price. The special dates are posted on www.blueman.com., the Blue Man Group's official Web site.
- The Blue Man Group also hosts select discounted weekend shows. In New York, as of August 2009, a ticket for one of these performances cost $67. That is a dollar off the cheapest ticket, but $11 off the most expensive.
- The Blue Man Group also offers a discount for attending a late show. In New York, for example, as of Augsut 2009, a ticket for the Friday 10 p.m. performance cost $55, as opposed to the regular $68-$78 price.
- In general it is most expensive to sit in the "poncho section," where audience members cover themselves with plastic to protect against paint splatter (the Blue Man performance gets messy.) The least expensive seats are those with a restricted view and those far back or in the balcony. The availability of these seats depends on the layout of the venue.
- The Blue Man Group offers a discount of about $9 per ticket for groups of 15 or more. The amount of the discount depends on which performance the group is attending.
- High schoolers and college students are eligible for a deep discount for most performances. In New York, as of August 2009, the student ticket cost $29 and was available for all performances except Friday 7 p.m. and Saturday 8 p.m.. These tickets must be purchased at the box office and are available one hour before the show. Students can also buy these in advance on Sunday for the coming week's performances, pending availability.
- Depending on where you live and where you're traveling, there's a chance you're going someplace where Blue Man tickets are less expensive. As of August 2009, Chicago tickets were cheaper than New York, for example, and Boston tickets were cheaper than Chicago tickets.
- As with any performance or event, the Blue Man Group introduces special promotional tie-ins and reduced-price offers as conditions warrant. Blue Man Group tickets are sometimes offered at a discount as part of an airfare package.