Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Thinning Hair In Women - 4 Myths Shattered

When it comes to the subject of thinning hair in women, there are lots of misconceptions in casual conversations about them.
Unfortunately, such mis-information only serve to deepen the lack of understanding hair loss in women, and stifle the path to getting proper treatment.
One reason for the myths is likely due to a lack of common awareness about women and hair loss.
In this article, we will clarify on the top myths regarding female baldness.
The goal of sharing this information is to help females who may be facing the problem of thinning hair good information that they can use to start on a proper path to improving hair growth.
Here are the main myths to be informed about: Baldness Does Not Affect Women A sizable percentage (35% - 40%) of people suffering from the loss of hair are women.
While this is still not a socially welcomed phenomena, it exists.
Females with female pattern baldness are more likely to cover it up with wigs and scarves, unlike men who openly display their baldness.
Women With Hair Loss Have High Levels Of Male Hormones One of the main causes of thinning hair in women is due to the presence of the male hormone testosterone changing into the hormone dihydrotestosterone or DHT.
However, this is not the reason behind ALL cases of women with excessive loss of hair.
Poor nutrition, too much stress and auto-immune disorders can also lead to the loss of hair.
Frequently Blow Drying, Perming and Treating Hair Results in Balding Blow drying, perming, hair coloring or hair straightening do not cause hair loss.
These actions do not affect the cycle of hair growth in hair follicles.
The reason that you may still want to avoid too much of such actions is that they could cause more hair breakage.
The means more strands of hair can break off and split.
If you are already suffering from hair loss, having more hair breakage can give the appearance of even less of precious hair.
Thinning Hair Only Happens To Older Females Loss of hair can happen to females of all ages, sometimes as young as girls in their teens.
As discussed earlier, there are many causes for hair loss, and a number of them are not tied to age.
So, there you have it, these are the top 4 myths regarding the subject of thinning hair in women.
Yes, it is something that happens to a lot of females of all ages.
There are also many reasons that could bring it about.
If you are currently suffering from this condition, the next step may be to visit a doctor for a diagnosis or at least read a few more articles to famaliarize yourself with the causes and treatments available.

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