Business & Finance Corporations

Survey Workers" Beware of Scams!

Survey Workers Beware! When I began taking online surveys I was a Newbie to the Internet and very naïve of the untruths that are rolling abound out here in the midst of World Wide Web outer space.
When taking a survey the initial experience was okay to a point, (and here comes the but!) but after you get done with many of the surveys you are directed to free opportunities of one sort or another.
If you decide to try the product you have a certain amount of time to cancel.
Okay, then I have found that if you do make the decision to opt out of the initial opportunities that are presented sometimes it does not matter.
I have had charges on my phone bill from opportunities that I was not even aware of.
I had to pay the first month and they said there would be no more charges.
Well, guess what? This month another two charges showed up from the same organizations.
Once again I called and canceled, but this time I made sure there would be no more charges.
The funny thing I experienced was the customer service person I talked to about my dilemma laughed when she told me these were from surveys I had taken.
Don't take surveys was her response with a smirk in her voice.
I didn't take offense to her remarks because I can't even phantom how many calls she gets per day regarding this same incidence.
Okay, then I called my telephone company and told them I would not be paying the charges and do not place any late fees against me.
What was amazing, when I talked to the telephone company, low and behold, the charges had already been reversed within a 5-minute period.
I beg of someone to please tell me why my telephone company said to pay the charges the first month? Are they in fact in cahoots with these other organizations? What a scam..
Be very, very, verrrry careful if you do surveys of any kind!! Back then when I didn't know anything I can now visualize myself in the middle of the night standing on a secluded pier on the water front alone thinking 'Victim, Victim Here! I'm up for grabs.
Take your best shot'.
I guess when you want something so badly to turn out to be successful your senses can be clouded with delusions of grandeur.
I do not indulge in the experience of surveys anymore.
I am quite scared I will be charged from other companies I have not heard of and what a hassle to get these charges reversed if at all.
I have also decided to email the survey companies who continue to send opportunities to my email address and let them know what is going on.
Yes, you don't need to think it, I am quite sure they already know.
I also know there are many others who are being scammed the same way.
Now just think for a moment of how many people have been charged these bogus charges and have had to pay at least the first month of said charges, how much do you think these survey people are making off of us.
Just a short little note here to let you know I did not make any money from surveys after trying for around six months.
You may say: "Why did it take me so long to see the truth.
" Guess I am what you would call a Believer or maybe some would think: "Wake up and smell Life, don't believe everything you read, hear, and see",! Everything in life is an experience, this one I could have done without! On the brighter side, I have learned to be much more discerning on what I do assimilate as truth.
Hope this has proven to be of some help to someone out there before they see, "Make Big Dollars From Taking OnlineSurveys".
Your breathiing becomes shallowed and fast, your eyes bulge from the sockets, your heart races because you just know you have found the perfect way to become rich! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Stop.
Remember this article.
In consequence, after all of this life experience I did find something to try and yes I was extremely skeptical but took the plunge and have begun making some $$ on the net.
It takes the novice through every step they need to learn Internet marketing at a cost that one can stomach.

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