Technology Networking & Internet

What are the Advantages of Managed Ethernet Switch?

The computer network is defined as a collection of computers, software programs and other hardware devices which are interconnected so as to share information and resources. Managed Ethernet switch plays crucial role as it helps in connecting the hardware peripherals and network segments to communicate with other nodes. It in fact, manages data exchange level between 2 points over one network. The Ethernet switches are available in two types, managed and unmanaged switches. It is true that unmanaged Ethernet switches cannot configure to make the communication easy while managed switches are completely configured to meet the needs of different types of networks. Also, managed switches can also be customized to read the data for the consistency and accuracy before forwarding it to the destination.

It really helps in monitoring the error diagnosis and traffic in the most effective manner. The managed Ethernet switch is very effective in monitoring the network port or node. There are several other features which are supported by managed switches. It controls whether a port is enabled or not, it also maintains the quality of signal and its speed. The managed switch is also responsible to maintain the statistics for every individual port, including transmitted bytes and number of received bytes. It also controls the number of errors generated in every port and whether the link on the port is up or down. These statistics are very helpful in isolating bad quality or faulty nodes, identifying faulty network interface cards and top network talkers.

The main advantage of managed Ethernet switch is that these are very secure and offer direct data only to the specified Media Access Control address on network. Each and every device on the network has specific MAC address which is also considered as identification number. It ensures the complete safety and thus prevents other nodes to access secure and vulnerable data. In this way, the wastage of bandwidth can be controlled which may occur by sending packet to the other parts of network which do not need to receive data.

It is true that several Ethernet switches control multicast traffic. When that multicast packet reaches at the switch, it sends the packet forward to all the active interfaces. In this way, the distribution of network can be done effectively. In the configuration of LAN, managed Ethernet switch functions work to develop micro-segmentation. So, it can be said that in this way, all the devices or functions work with complete capacity without impacting over other connected devices.

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