Law & Legal & Attorney Real estate & property Law

How to File a Homestead to Prevent a Lien

    Gather information

    • 1). Gather the necessary information to determine eligibility for homestead exemption. In Florida, for example, homestead exemption is granted only to owners of the property and the property must be the primary residence of the owners. Look at the real estate closing documents or county property records to see how your property is titled in the deed of conveyance. Every person listed as an owner must agree to homestead exemption and be a primary resident of the home.

    • 2). File a hard copy of the original form. Many counties require a particular form be filed in hard copy with the county court clerk or property appraiser's office. The form may vary from county to county, so check with your county to determine which office to file the form and to get a copy of the exact form used by that county. Failure to file the proper form may prevent application of the homestead exemption. You can either drop off the form or mail it. In Florida, the form must be filed by March 15.

    • 3). File online. Whether you can file the homestead exemption form online depends on the county in which you live. Only some counties have enabled an online filing system, though the trend is to make all government filings available online. For example, Palm Beach County, Florida allows homestead filings online. You must request a personal identification number and login information. After you are registered for the website, you can file most property documents online, including the homestead declaration.

    • 4). File other necessary documents. In Florida, the homestead exemption is $50,000. The first $25,000 reduces the appraised property value by that amount when calculating any property tax. The second $25,000 only applies to non-school taxes. However, other exemptions are available, for example to the elderly, disabled and veterans. These additional homestead exemptions may be available if proof of the trait is provided.

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