Business & Finance Social Media

Social Media Tool Tip: Ten Things That I Like About Amplify

How many times have you gone to a website, find something interesting, and wanted to share with a friend or followers on social media sites? You have to copy the site's URL (link), go to your email or favorite social media site and then paste the URL, compose a message and then press send.
How about an easier way, Amplify it! The following are ten things that I like about this site, as you can:
  1. Clip text and graphics from an article that you are viewing.
  2. Share a URL from any website that you are visiting.
  3. Write a post about your thoughts or just anything that is on your mind.
  4. Microblog with a quick note about what you are thinking.
    This is similar to Twitter.
  5. Auto-post your thoughts to various social media sites that you have identified.
    You can share your conversations with the most popular social media sites such as: Twitter, Facebook and Facebook pages, Buzz, Tumblr, Friendfeed.
    There are 14 sites listed as of this writing.
  6. See your latest posts, have a conversation, and review your "@Mentions of me" from individuals that you are following.
  7. Read and reply to comments at your own leisure.
    This eliminates email alerts and does not clutter up your in box.
    Anytime you want to check messages, they are all listed in one spot.
    The key is to make sure that you check "@Mentions of me" often to keep up with conversations.
  8. View links that are provided on the right side of each feed to see the latest activity on your posts and all follow up comments.
  9. Receive a daily email of a summary of action on your posts over the past 24 hours.
  10. Reply, Share, Re-Amplify, similar to the options in Twitter.
These are just a taste of some of the options that Amplify offers.
You must use this application to see the full benefits.

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