Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

Things Everyone Should Know About Taking Great Photographs

Holding your camera Depending on the type of camera you have there are some basic techniques required to ensure that you have a stable platform on which to start taking you photos.
if you have a compact camera and are using a LCD screen as a view finder, you may find it hard to believe but this will be more difficult than using a bridge camera or a DSLR.
This is due to the fact that compact cameras are so small and light.
Compact cameras.
  • Use both hands to hold the camera.
  • keep your elbows bent and tight against the side of your body.
  • Sit down if possible and rest your elbows on your knees.
  • If your compact is fitted with a view finder use it.
  • Gently push the shutter button, don't jab at it.
    A nice firm but gentle push will reduce movement in the camera.
  • Place your left hand palm up and let the base of the body and the lens sit in the palm of your hand.
  • Your right hand should hold the grip on the body with index finger on top of the body over the shutter button
  • The left hand can control the focus and zoom on the lens
  • The right hand index finger can control the shutter button and the dials
  • The top of the view finder should touch your eyebrow, this then gives you 3 points of contact for the camera to your body.
  • Keep your elbows tight to your body, thus reducing the movement of the camera.
Both these positions may feel slightly awkward to start with but persevere with it and keep practicing, the results will be well worth it and after a while it will soon become natural.
Get to Know Your Camera Read your user manual and make yourself familiar with all the features of your camera.
Play around with it and try every feature there is, so you become aware of the capabilities of your camera.
Don't be afraid to be adventurous, modern cameras have so many amazing features, get to know them and get your moneys worth.
Practice, practice, practice take as many photos as you can look at them see what wrong learn how to improve, work with your camera, I guarantee it is capable of so much more than you realize.
One last thing and probably the most important HAVE FUN, enjoy the experience this is not a chore it an amazing opportunity for you to capture some amazing images and memories that you can keep for ever.

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