Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

How to Move a Grand Piano Downstairs

    • 1). Lock the lid to the keyboard so it doesn’t flap open when you move the piano.

    • 2). Slide the lid hinge pins out of the hinge, using just your fingers. Unscrew the lid hinges and put the hinges somewhere safe.

    • 3). Lift the lid away from the body of the piano and wrap it in a blanket to prevent it from becoming damaged in transit. Lifting the lid is a two-man job.

    • 4). Unscrew leg number one. There are three legs on a grand piano and leg number one is always the leg on the left of the keyboard. Leg number two is on the right of the keyboard and leg number three is at the back. Have two friends lift the piano 1 inch off the floor as soon as you’ve removed the final screw. As they lift, pull the leg down and out. Place the leg to one side.

    • 5). Lower the piano so it lies on the left edge. Because of the piano shape and the arrangement of the legs, you can tilt the piano without bending or putting strain on the legs.

    • 6). Move the piano board so it lies next to the edge of the piano. Cover the board with a blanket. Lift the edge of the piano up with the help of a friend. As you do this, have your third friend slide the piano board under the piano.

    • 7). Lift the piano by leg one as your friend lifts leg two. While you do this, your third friend must push the board fully under the side of the piano.

    • 8). Unscrew legs two and three and wrap them in furniture pads and blankets. The legs can be carried down the stairs separately.

    • 9). Slide the piano toward the top of the stairs. Have one friend pull the piano board handle while you and the other friend push the piano. If necessary, rotate the piano on the board before you reach the stairs so the longest side of the piano goes down the stairs first. One friend should go down the stairs in front of the piano to guide it.

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