Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

How to Build a Dual Zone Cymbal

    • 1). Unscrew the plastic rim from the side of your practice pad. Remove the rim and separate the pad rubber pad from the plastic backing. Practice pads are ideal for use as electronic cymbals, as they naturally emulate the feel and size of real cymbals.

    • 2). Place the needle of the compass in the center of the pad, and extend the leg to the edge.

    • 3). Place the compass needle next to "0" on a ruler and move the leg 1 inch toward the needle, to reduce the radius by a single inch.

    • 4). Use the compass to score a circle in the paint lid. The diameter of the circle is 1 inch smaller than the diameter of the pad.

    • 5). Cut along the scored circle with a hand-held rotary cutter. Place the outer ring aside.

    • 6). Set the diameter of the compass to 1 inch and score a second circle around the center of the paint lid. Cut out the 1-inch circle with the rotary cutter. Put the 1-inch circle from the center aside and discard the rest of the paint lid.

    • 7). Drill a 1/8-inch hole in the center of the smaller circle.

    • 8). Glue the flat side of a pizeo element to each of the paint lid rings. The paint lid rings act as piezo mounting plates. One for the edge, and one for the center of the pad.

    • 9). Strip the end of the piezo wires with wire cutters to expose 1/4-inch of braided wire. Strip 1/4-inch from each of end of the two speaker wires. Note that speaker wire has a braided end and a double end, with a positive and ground connection extending from the main speaker wire. The positive end is red; the ground is black.

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      Solder the both piezo wires to the braided end of the speaker wire. Solder the ground end of the speaker cable to the panel mount part of the RCA jack. Solder the ground to the ring mount part of the RCA jack. Repeat this process so both piezo elements are soldered to the speaker wire, and both speaker wires are connected to an RCA jack.

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      File a notch in the plastic ring from the drum pad, large enough to feed all wiring through.

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      Glue the large piezo housing to the underside of the drum pad, so it sits flush with the edge.

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      Clue the small piezo housing to the center of the pad so the 1/8-inch hole lines up with the center point.

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      Fit the drum pad back together, feeding the wires through the notch so the ring lies flat against the backing.

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