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"Get Smart" Set Visit Preview

Get Smart won't be out until this summer, but already last June they were taking down the sets. While Steve Carell, Anne Hathaway and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson continued to shoot scenes, Warner Brothers began striking the set of CONTROL's office. You could still see where all the blinking computer lights would go, but the power had long been shut down. The crisp, governmental walls, screens and electronic units sat silent.

Meanwhile, Carell and Hathaway shot a comic fight scene on a rooftop set. The enormous henchman played by Dalip Singh threw a door at the duo. As Maxwell Smart, Carell tried to fight him off, but was reduced to reciting alternate takes of frustrated one liners as he failed to make an impact.

Turning action hero was not something Carell expected for his comedy career. "I never thought in a million years I’d be doing anything like this," he said. "It’s crazy and just so much fun. I mean, I’m an action guy now so that’s going to be my new career path. I’m going to get really bulked up and just do action movies."

This fight scene was scheduled for three more shooting days, so Hathaway was pacing herself. "I kick a little ass for three more days," she said. "For me at least it’s a three-part fight sequence and the first part I’ve lost my gun in an earlier scene so it’s hand to hand combat. I pick up a pipe as a weapon and then I have to battle him hand to hand, and then I just sort of get dazed and confused.

My favorite bit is when I get to run up a wall and turn around and punch him. And then I bake some cupcakes, you know."

The actors and filmmakers are respectful to the source material of the classic TV show, but have come up with a perspective they hope distinguishes Get Smart from the slew of other TV remakes coming to theaters. "One of the things that I wanted to do in my initial sort of pitch when they were talking about tone with this was that it be sort of a comedic Bourne Identity," said Carell. "That was tonally what I was hoping for and I think so far it’s kind of hitting that. We’ll see."

Playing the straight woman to Carell's craziness, Hathaway had to rely on her well practiced deadpan skills. " I think that’s the reason why I got the role was because in audition I was able to [keep a straight face]," she said. "It's almost impossible to keep up with him and match him joke for joke because he’s a genius at it. Even if I were good at it I’m not a genius and I have very little experience doing it, and he’s just Steve Carell. I mean, it’s what he’s known for. So I don’t ever beat myself up for not being able to match him beat for beat, but in the audition I was able to keep a straight face as he just went off and was making everyone else crack up, so I think that got me through the door."

We'll have more with the cast of Get Smart as its June 20 release date approaches.

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