Health & Medical Food & Drink

Perfect Coffee Starts With The Right Coffee Grinder

Do you love coffee? Well you'll be pleased to know that you're not alone with over 100,000,000 Americans drinking at least one cup a day. Coffee is as popular a drink now than it has ever been, and the numbers keep rising every year.

With so many of us drinking the stuff, it's only natural to want to improve our coffee experience for the better, but how?

The thing is, what a lot of coffee lovers do not realise is making better tasting coffee start way before you start up your coffee maker. In fact it all starts with the actual coffee grounds you use.

So the good news is, if you are currently using instant or purchasing pre-grounded coffee then there are easy improvements you can make to achieve better tasting coffee.

It all starts with a coffee grinder. From now on you will no longer buy instant coffee or pre-grounded, but instead you will buy actual coffee beans. Why? Only when you start to grind coffee beans yourself will you achieve the freshest, most flavorsome brew.

This is because coffee that you buy at the local store is likely to already be past it's best. The reason is because when coffee is exposed to air it oxidizes thereby ruining the taste. A coffee bean however is airtight, meaning when you mill the bean you'll get the freshest possible brew.

However, what type of coffee grinder you invest in is open to debate, but here are the most common types that are currently available:

The Crusher Grinder:

As the name implies works by quite literately pulverizing the coffee bean into grounds. Although cheap these types of grinders do not produce a consistent mill which is essential for making varies brews.

The Blade Grinder:

Works much like a food processor would do by slicing the coffee bean over-and-over. Again, these types of grinders produce an irregular grind by the nature of how they operate. They also rotate very fast, which again is a downside as heat generated can pass directly to the bean and potentially ruin the taste.

The Burr Grinder

Widely considered the best coffee grinder you can buy they come in two forms. The flat base burr and the conical burr. Both offer the coffee connoisseur the opportunity to make amazing coffee.

If you have the money then conical burr grinders [] are the preferred choice as they have the ability to grind the coffee bean consistently. They also are able to rotate at far slower speeds that is essential to making delicious tasting coffee.

That said, whatever coffee grinder you decide to purchase you can feel confident that your coffee will now taste better than any instant or pre-packaged grounds every time.

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