Business & Finance Investing & Financial Markets

How One Should View High Yield Investment Programs

HYIPs can be extremely profitable with a good strategy, plenty of experience, and the ability to sense when to quit. Unlike Most traditional investments HYIPs are riskier, and most of the time run by dishonest people.

We have come to a sensible conclusion that in order to profit with HYIPs, one must not view them in the same light as a tradition investment. Unlike Stocks, Bonds, hedge funds and forex trading, HYIPs can collapse at anytime leaving you with nothing. You don't have time to cut your losses and move onto a surer investment. Once the program closes, every penny you have in that program is most likely gone for good.

HYIPs must be viewed in a separate arena then any other investment opportunity. High Yield investing is closer to gambling on the Vegas Strip then it is to investing on Wallstreet. If you view it this way, then you will be fine. Treating HYIPs as a tradition investment opportunity will only get you into trouble. Sure, go ahead and invest your retirement fund in Bonds, Blue chip stocks, and hedgefunds, but don't you dare even think about testing your luck with your nestegg in the HYIP arena. No matter how secure you think the program is, and no matter what others say about the program, it is an absolute no-no to invest any money you can't afford to lose, into HYIPs.

Over the last week, one particular program had caught our eye. Members were considering placing funds from their Roth IRA's into this program. The program pays upwards of 2% per day, but members feel it is secure since many of them had met with the admin in the past. Whether an administrator is honest or not, any program paying anything close to 2% per day is extremely risky no matter what kind of bells and whistle the admin throws into the equation.

Remember, stay smart, and if it seems too good to be true it's probably a ponzi or an extremely risky venture.

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