Home & Garden Home Improvement

Why are there so many gas companies?

Since Britain's gas market was deregulated, consumers have had significantly greater freedom of choice in selecting the gas provider that offers the most suitable service and prices for their situation. Although the sheer number of gas companies currently operating can seem intimidating if you're looking to switch provider or sign up for your first account, you can make things more manageable by taking the process one step at a time.

There are more than 18 energy companies currently supplying gas and electricity to UK homes and businesses, but some of these may be ruled out straight away if they do not operate in your area, such as region-specific companies. It's also worth considering whether the lesser known gas companies offer the expertise and standing you require. After all, the best-known energy providers have been in business for a long time for a reason – they are reputable and know what they are doing.

If you eliminate some of the smaller companies, you will be free to choose which of the long-standing gas providers looks most appealing to you. Visiting price comparison websites is one effective method of comparing tariffs, but these sites may not include special price plans that are only available directly on the company website.

If you've just moved into a new property as a tenant and you're unsure of who supplies your gas, there are a number of ways to check. Inspecting the boiler and other gas fittings themselves may not yield any clues - especially if they were installed several years ago, during which time your gas supply could have changed hands - but there will usually be documents close at hand explaining the situation. Even if you can't find any old post or contracts, it shouldn't be long before a letter arrives addressed to 'The New Occupier' from the gas company, prompting you to sign up for a new contract or switch tariff.

Of course, you will usually be under no obligation to continue using the same company for your gas or electricity, and you may find more suitable deals by comparing electricity and gas prices online. The days when people were content to stick it out with the same company through good and bad years are now largely a thing of the past, with the recession years having created a more price-savvy Britain where high quality is demanded and companies can no longer afford to be complacent in meeting their customers' needs.

Daniel Collins writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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