Cars & Vehicles Safe Driving & Driving Test Techniques

An Accident Checklist


    • Weather can be a factor in accidents.David De Lossy/Photodisc/Getty Images

      Don't leave the scene of the accident if your car is one of those involved. Try to stay calm and refrain from yelling at or berating the other driver. If your vehicles are blocking the road, move them to the side if they can be driven. Check if people in the other vehicles are injured, but do not discuss the accident or who is to blame with them. If you have a camera handy, take photos of the accident scene and the surrounding area to give to your insurance company. If you are a witness to the accident, you should also stay, if possible, to give information for the police report.

    Check Injuries

    • Some injuries only show up later.David De Lossy/Photodisc/Getty Images

      Call an ambulance if people sustained injuries in the accident, and try not to move them until the medical professionals arrive. Give the injured people basic first aid and attempt to keep them as calm as possible until help arrives. If there are only bumps and bruises as a result of the accident, it may not be necessary to call an ambulance, but it's a good idea to get checked out later by your personal physician.

    Call Police

    Exchange Information

    • Be prepared to give all your insurance and personal contact information to the other driver, and make sure to get his as well. In some states, you are required by law to keep all that information with the vehicle at all times, but keep it on hand even if it's not a requirement in your state. Get the license plate and vehicle identification numbers of any other vehicles involved. Also, write down the driver's license numbers and ask to see the vehicle registration of the other drivers. You will need to provide all your information to them. Call your insurance company as soon as possible; it may have further instructions and advice.

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