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What All Information You Can Get From a Construction Drawing?

Construction drawing for a project is prepared to show how the building will be constructed, what types of materials will be used, how the components and other items will be installed and the building standards & codes. It is also known as construction documentation, CAD drawing, working drawing, blueprint and plan. Basically, this documentation acts as a bridge between the project design and physical building form.

The construction documentation assists field engineers to transform the building design into bricks and mortar. This documentation illustrates all dimensions of all construction items thoroughly. Most drafters include basic construction information within the documentation and use specification to describe materials and techniques. Professionals add written notes to the drawing that cover many common issues which are generally written in the specification.

Scale drawing - Most of the CAD drawings are prepared to scale. The final plan or blueprint, which is used in the construction site, is created at a scale of inch per foot. Drawing of an entire building or other small details may be at a different scale. The scale € means a line of 1 inch is equal to 4 feet, 2 inches equals to 8 feet and so on. For measuring dimensions in construction documentation or creating customized scale drawing, professionals use special architectural scale ruler.

Architectural symbols - For many years, a set of standard architectural symbols has been made for construction documentation so that anyone related to the AEC industry can identify their meaning. Though the style of blueprints varies just a little bit from drafter to drafter, but their purpose is same. Whatever the style, all of these blueprints assist professionals to conceptualize the project workflow in an efficient manner. All the architectural symbols such as arrow, squiggle, etc., those are included within a documentation have great significance. All these symbols together help professionals to understand how the building will be built and other important details.

Construction documentation generally includes elevation drawing, section, floor plan, site plan, landscape design, MEP system design, structural steel detailing drawing, etc. Hence, engineers can easily understand the entire construction process effectively. In this drawing, there is often a separate sheet is prepared for each engineering trade, i.e. architectural, structural, mechanical HVAC, electrical and plumbing. Generally, each of these drawing provides either elevation or plan or section view.

An elevation basically provides a view of the building from any one of the four sides, i.e. back, front, left and right. This view represents the building's external appearance from four different sides.

Floor plan drawing is created to show the positions of rooms, bathrooms, stairs and other objects that are placed on the floor. The floor plan is basically a horizontal section of the building where all the objects on the floor are displayed up to 3ft from the floor level.

When section view is created for a building, a slice is cut throughout the building either horizontally or vertically. Section reveals the inside parts of the building, i.e. inside of walls, columns, floors, roofs, foundations and other elements.

Hence, construction drawing is a very important element for any construction project.

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