Health & Medical Parenting

Acronym Index - F

Use this alphabetical index to find information on your child's diagnosis, or a diagnosis you're curious about. This list is alphabetized by acronym. See also a list alphabetized by the name of the diagnosis.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G-I | J-K | L | M | N | O | P | Q-R | S | T-Z

FAE (Fetal Alcohol Effects)

Definition | See alsoFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Scroll down for more

FAS (Fetal Alcohol Syndrome)

Definition | See alsoFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder)

Definition | First Five Things to Do | Preparing the School | Resources | Books | News

FSHD (Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy)

Definition | See alsoMuscular Dystrophy

FX (Fragile X Syndrome)

Definition | First Five Things to Do | Preparing the School | Resources | News

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