Society & Culture & Entertainment Books & Literature

What Are the Popular Genres and Trends in YA Books Today?

Calling YA a "genre" has never felt right to me. Although technically correct--genre, after all, is the categorization of a similar qualities in artistic endeavors--it feels slightly reductive to me. So I tend to go for the far more awkward phrasing of "Subsection." Not perfect but it'll do for now.

Another reason I don't like the term "genre" for YA is because so many genres exist WITHIN the subsection.

For instance, take a look at this list from Penguin. Quite a few, eh? Let's take a look at some of these and explore their qualities and, in some cases, their popularity.

Starting off with!

Dystopian: You all know dystopian by now, right? These are THE HUNGER GAMES, THE MAZE RUNNER, LEGEND, DIVERGENT, etc. of the world. The stories here center around a destructive society--the opposite of a utopia--that often oppresses its people either by circumstance or force. These have been the belles of the ball in current years. YA readers couldn't get enough of the butt-kicking heroine or hero and of the nonconformity and fight that necessitated the overthrow of evil. Who can resist a great good vs. evil narrative? Not many, it seems.

Paranormal Romance: These books were overthrown (see what I did there?) by the dystopians, though of course they still have their followers (are you one? Keep on rocking it!). TWILIGHT, CITY OF BONES, and LAMENT all fit into this category. The love triangle aspect bled into the dystopian world, too, but these books often have female heroines that are gifted in some way or singled out for a certain reason and who fall head over heels for that special paranormal someone.

Horror: Turns out, horror never goes out of style! This genre is one of my personal favorites. THE GIRL FROM THE WELL, THE HAUNTING OF SUNSHINE GIRL, and THE MONSTRUMOLOGIST are examples of this delicious genre. Reading horror is the mental equivalent of going on a rollercoaster ride--without the physical side effects! Most of the time, anyway. This genre is one people come back to again and again.

Speculative: Now this is a wide word for a wide variety of fiction. Speculative could be comprised of dystopian and paranormal as well. But very general speaking--and for the purposes of this article--I'm going to use this category to talk about fantasy, magical realism, and sci-fi. Let's start with fantasy. Books like THE STORY OF OWEN and  HIS DARK MATERIALS (*Note: this was previously shelved and marketed for the middle grade market. Then the YA market. Now it's in never neverland and depending on whom you talk to, this book sits in YA or Middle Grade. Because they're SO GOOD, I'm including them here). Magical realism has books like THE STRANGE AND BEAUTIFUL SORROWS OF AVA LAVENDER and the amazing BONE GAP I've gushed about before. Finally, speculative fiction includes sci-fi, with books like FEED and SALVAGE. This genre is huge and all-encompassing, and gives us some of the best books the YA subsection has ever seen.

Realism: Now here, according to some sources, is where the current trend lies. Realism is exactly what it sounds like. Contemporary realism books like EVERYBODY SEES THE ANTS, WINTERGIRLS, and MONSTER explore the everyday trials and tribulations of life, and the trend seems to be toward keeping it real (I couldn't help myself. Don't stop reading!). If you like the nitty-gritty, now is your time!

OK, folks, that's my exploration of a few YA genres and the current trends. Did I miss anything? Got any burning books or authors you want to share? As always, email me and let me know (with the subject line "ABOUT")!

And, forever: Read on, Readers!

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