Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

3 Avoidable Mistakes That Contribute To Hemorrhoids

It is a well known fact that over 40% of the adult population are going to suffer at sometime in their life from hemorrhoids.
Might you be making any one or all of these 3 Avoidable Mistakes That Contribute To Hemorrhoids? Hemorrhoids is a painful and for some an embarrassing problem that will afflict 40% of the adult population (probably more) at sometime in their lives.
It's called hemorrhoids or piles and it's basically any form of vein inflammation around the lower rectal regions.
  • Blood on your toilet tissue?
  • Itching in the anus area?
  • Painful constipation?
Are all likely signs that you possibly will have hemorrhoids and it certainly is no laughing matter - and although common occurrence for so many, they're not only annoyingly painful but embarrassing as well.
In the severe stage, they can descend from the anus like a lump visible outside your rear.
So what are some avoidable mistakes which contribute to developing this frequent condition? If you already have a problem with hemorrhoids, avoiding the following 3 mistakes can start to ease the problem progressively.
Avoidable Mistake Number 1:Eating too much overly processed food in our diet This can be the most difficult avoidable mistake for some people.
However, it's recognized that processed foods produce much harder stool and problems with digestion.
This can contribute to constipation and other problems which may perhaps lead to hemorrhoids.
The main issue here, particularly when you are suffering and trying to alleviate hemorrhoids, is to reduce your intake of processed sugary foods.
Avoidable Mistake Number 2: Sedentary / inactive lifestyle Over a period of time long term sitting will create additional pressure on your bottom area and this then presents the perfect environment for hemorrhoids to develop, especially if combined with a sharp force such as constipation or pregnancy (in women).
Making sure you don't sit for over around an hour at a time, and remembering to do stretching exercises that promote healthy blood flow.
Avoidable Mistake Number 3: Intake of processed medicine, potions and creams These create the same potential problems as processed foods.
Many of the dietary fibre supplements have processed and artificial ingredients that can generate side-effects elsewhere...
and ultimately they are not actually attacking the underlying cause of the problem.
The other consequence of some of these creams is that they waste your time and the hemorrhoid can get worse over time if the primary problem is not reversed.
Take action to avoid these 3 mistakes and you should not be contributing to any worsening of your hemorrhoid problem.
It's extremely important to appreciate the affect these 3 avoidable mistakes that contribute to hemorrhoids on our modern lifestyle of sedentary office jobs and overly processed, convenience foods and diets.

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