20 Best Tips to Quit Smoking the Natural Easy Way
If you are quitting smoking, you know how powerful the cravings or urges to smoke can be.
Although at times it can feel impossible to quit smoking, you are not at the mercy of cravings.
When an urge to light up a cigarette strikes, remember that although the craving may be strong, you can overcome those urges.
To help you challenge your beliefs about what you can and cannot do, here are 20 empowering truths to help you ride out the longing to smoke and stopping smoking for good.
Achievable Coming off cigarettes, changing your way of life-it's not easy.
But it's not impossible, either.
Accountability Hold yourself accountable for your actions.
At the middle of each day, take a direct and honest assessment about whether or not your current choices feel good to the heart and spirit of who you are.
Adventure The road into creating change is quite an adventure.
It's not just about what you are moving away from, but the life, strengths, and empowerment you are moving toward.
Balanced Before moving forward, stop, breathe, and let the frustration dissipate.
Nothing good comes from having the stress of frustration in the lead.
Body Care Coming off cigarettes is an enormous change for your body.
Follow through on those gentle nudges to take more care of yourself.
Eat healthier foods, drink plenty of water, walk in the sunshine, and breathe.
Breathe Make conscious efforts to take slow, deep breaths and practice blowing your troubles away without the smoke of cigarettes.
Long, slow, and relaxed.
Inhale life, exhale tension.
Let go, relax, and repeat.
Caring Shift your focus away from "not smoking" toward new ways of loving yourself, taking care of your needs, articulating your desires, and allowing yourself pleasure.
Change Quitting involves a change in perspective, attitude, and lifestyle.
Give yourself time and opportunity to learn new skills, develop new patterns of behavior, adopt new habits, and build new relationships.
Choice Stopping smoking is a very personal matter that ultimately rests on a quiet and private decision you make inside yourself.
Nothing can happen without that decision, and everything can happen with it.
Creativity Write, dance, sing, draw, design, or decorate.
You are much more likely to overcome an urge to smoke when you actively connect your physical body with your creative spirit.
Dependability Keep your promises to yourself.
Acknowledge excuses as excuses and discover new creative ways to move beyond them.
Show yourself that your personal choices are important.
Destiny You can change your stars; you can be successful.
You are the master of your own destiny, free to make choices today that lead to the life you will lead tomorrow.
Diversion When the urge to smoke gets bad, have something to do.
Keep your mind busy.
Keep your hands busy.
Read a book.
Write in your journal.
Call a friend.
Do whatever it takes, but delay, delay, delay.
Emotional Healing If you're using your smoking habit to deal with difficult emotions, such as sadness, depression, or anxiety, then most certainly you'll find yourself with emotional side effects from quitting smoking.
Empowerment Believe in your inner ability to carry you through this challenge.
No challenge or obstacle has the power to defeat the inspiration and determination within you.
Encouragement Get excited!! Find a way to elevate yourself.
Take a higher road.
Rally your inner power when you are at your lowest points by getting excited again about what you want and what you're moving toward.
Enjoyment Smoking is often a desire for carefree enjoyment.
If you're going to give up smoking, you're also going to have to look for new ways to enjoy yourself.
Do not put off joy-do whatever you can to feel good now.
Expansion Is it fair that you have to go through this withdrawal period? Maybe not, but fair is not the point.
The point is that you want something more for yourself, and what you want is worth your effort.
Flexibility Cut back on cigarettes gradually or quit smoking "cold turkey.
" Find the method that works best for you.
If one way doesn't work, do the other.
Focus List all the reasons you want to quit.
Every night before you go to bed, remind yourself of the big picture and the life you are choosing to live.
Although at times it can feel impossible to quit smoking, you are not at the mercy of cravings.
When an urge to light up a cigarette strikes, remember that although the craving may be strong, you can overcome those urges.
To help you challenge your beliefs about what you can and cannot do, here are 20 empowering truths to help you ride out the longing to smoke and stopping smoking for good.
Achievable Coming off cigarettes, changing your way of life-it's not easy.
But it's not impossible, either.
Accountability Hold yourself accountable for your actions.
At the middle of each day, take a direct and honest assessment about whether or not your current choices feel good to the heart and spirit of who you are.
Adventure The road into creating change is quite an adventure.
It's not just about what you are moving away from, but the life, strengths, and empowerment you are moving toward.
Balanced Before moving forward, stop, breathe, and let the frustration dissipate.
Nothing good comes from having the stress of frustration in the lead.
Body Care Coming off cigarettes is an enormous change for your body.
Follow through on those gentle nudges to take more care of yourself.
Eat healthier foods, drink plenty of water, walk in the sunshine, and breathe.
Breathe Make conscious efforts to take slow, deep breaths and practice blowing your troubles away without the smoke of cigarettes.
Long, slow, and relaxed.
Inhale life, exhale tension.
Let go, relax, and repeat.
Caring Shift your focus away from "not smoking" toward new ways of loving yourself, taking care of your needs, articulating your desires, and allowing yourself pleasure.
Change Quitting involves a change in perspective, attitude, and lifestyle.
Give yourself time and opportunity to learn new skills, develop new patterns of behavior, adopt new habits, and build new relationships.
Choice Stopping smoking is a very personal matter that ultimately rests on a quiet and private decision you make inside yourself.
Nothing can happen without that decision, and everything can happen with it.
Creativity Write, dance, sing, draw, design, or decorate.
You are much more likely to overcome an urge to smoke when you actively connect your physical body with your creative spirit.
Dependability Keep your promises to yourself.
Acknowledge excuses as excuses and discover new creative ways to move beyond them.
Show yourself that your personal choices are important.
Destiny You can change your stars; you can be successful.
You are the master of your own destiny, free to make choices today that lead to the life you will lead tomorrow.
Diversion When the urge to smoke gets bad, have something to do.
Keep your mind busy.
Keep your hands busy.
Read a book.
Write in your journal.
Call a friend.
Do whatever it takes, but delay, delay, delay.
Emotional Healing If you're using your smoking habit to deal with difficult emotions, such as sadness, depression, or anxiety, then most certainly you'll find yourself with emotional side effects from quitting smoking.
Empowerment Believe in your inner ability to carry you through this challenge.
No challenge or obstacle has the power to defeat the inspiration and determination within you.
Encouragement Get excited!! Find a way to elevate yourself.
Take a higher road.
Rally your inner power when you are at your lowest points by getting excited again about what you want and what you're moving toward.
Enjoyment Smoking is often a desire for carefree enjoyment.
If you're going to give up smoking, you're also going to have to look for new ways to enjoy yourself.
Do not put off joy-do whatever you can to feel good now.
Expansion Is it fair that you have to go through this withdrawal period? Maybe not, but fair is not the point.
The point is that you want something more for yourself, and what you want is worth your effort.
Flexibility Cut back on cigarettes gradually or quit smoking "cold turkey.
" Find the method that works best for you.
If one way doesn't work, do the other.
Focus List all the reasons you want to quit.
Every night before you go to bed, remind yourself of the big picture and the life you are choosing to live.