Puppy Training Tips That Work
Getting a new puppy can be a wonderful thing in anyone's life.
A puppy will bring such joy and happiness and fun to any sort of household, and as the animal grows up into a dog, you can look forward to a long life together.
However, when the puppy is very young they can be very difficult to manage.
Because they are so lively, you will need to devote a lot of your time and attention to them.
You will also need to spend a lot of time training your puppy to follow the commands that you give them.
Here are a couple puppy training tips that may help you.
One of the puppy training tips that people like to share is how they taught their puppy to sit on command.
This is a relatively simple task so we will move on to the second command that most dogs learn, which is "stay".
This is a very valuable command for your dog to learn.
A dog that obeys this command is much more enjoyable to have in your life than one that does not.
If you are a person that likes to take pictures of your dog, the stay command is priceless.
Obeying this command may even save your dogs life at some point.
Imagine if one of the neighbor kids throws a ball into traffic.
Most dogs would chase that ball and possibly get hit.
Since your dog obeys you when you tell him to stay, you avoid the tragedy of losing your pet.
In order to teach your puppy this command, make him sit and hold him in place for about thirty seconds.
While you are doing this keep repeating the "stay" command, then give him a treat.
Repeat this routine, but next time stand up.
Once he will stay with you standing up take a step backwards.
Gradually take more steps away from your dog.
If he fails to stay, which he will, just ignore him and start over.
If you're able to do this for about 20 to 30 minutes each day then you should see your puppy quickly learning this particular command.
When you have managed to master this command, then are many other puppy training tips that you will be able to put into practice.
It is up to you to determine just how far you want to go in training your pet.
A puppy will bring such joy and happiness and fun to any sort of household, and as the animal grows up into a dog, you can look forward to a long life together.
However, when the puppy is very young they can be very difficult to manage.
Because they are so lively, you will need to devote a lot of your time and attention to them.
You will also need to spend a lot of time training your puppy to follow the commands that you give them.
Here are a couple puppy training tips that may help you.
One of the puppy training tips that people like to share is how they taught their puppy to sit on command.
This is a relatively simple task so we will move on to the second command that most dogs learn, which is "stay".
This is a very valuable command for your dog to learn.
A dog that obeys this command is much more enjoyable to have in your life than one that does not.
If you are a person that likes to take pictures of your dog, the stay command is priceless.
Obeying this command may even save your dogs life at some point.
Imagine if one of the neighbor kids throws a ball into traffic.
Most dogs would chase that ball and possibly get hit.
Since your dog obeys you when you tell him to stay, you avoid the tragedy of losing your pet.
In order to teach your puppy this command, make him sit and hold him in place for about thirty seconds.
While you are doing this keep repeating the "stay" command, then give him a treat.
Repeat this routine, but next time stand up.
Once he will stay with you standing up take a step backwards.
Gradually take more steps away from your dog.
If he fails to stay, which he will, just ignore him and start over.
If you're able to do this for about 20 to 30 minutes each day then you should see your puppy quickly learning this particular command.
When you have managed to master this command, then are many other puppy training tips that you will be able to put into practice.
It is up to you to determine just how far you want to go in training your pet.