Health & Medical Anti Aging

Secrets Behind the Ultra-Pure Collagen Diet Revealed

Let's face it- we all wouldn't mind looking a bit younger.
  In fact, there are things you can do to make this happen, like eating right by adopting an ultra-pure collagen diet.
  But what is, and what makes up an ultra-pure collagen diet?  This article will answer these questions and provide you with other useful tips for looking younger longer.
So, what is a collagen diet exactly?  Is is a diet made up of simple foods that actually contain collagen?  Well, not exactly..
A collagen diet refers to a diet made up of foods that contain powerful antioxidants that fight off free radicals.
  These free radicals are what's responsible for damaging and breaking down collagen protein in your skin.
  Most free radicals come from the sun's UVA rays.
  So by preventing free radicals from destroying valuable collagen and elastin protein, your skin is allows to stay smooth and firm for longer that usual.
So what kinds of food make up an ultra-pure collagen diet?
  • Most leafy dark green vegetables like peppers, kale, spinach, collards, and asparagus contain lots of antioxidants.
  • Red fruits and veggies like red peppers, beets, stewed tomatoes contain lycopene which acts as an antioxidant.
  • Blueberries and blackberries are also good foods that make up a collagen diet, as they boost antioxidant levels and the production of collagen.
  • Eating sulfur-rich products like green and black olives, fresh cucumbers, and celery boost vitamin A levels and help keep collagen levels higher.
  • Soy products like soy milk and cheese contain an element known as genistein.
      Genistein gives soy products their collagen production qualities and help block enzymes that tend to break down and age the skin.
  • Loading up on omega acids from fish like salmon and tune and from nuts like cashews, pecans, almonds, and Brazilian helps create an ideal environment for collagen production.
Those are some simple collagen diet foods that you can incorporate into your diet that will help increase your body's collagen levels.
  Eating right is an important part of healthy living.
  And with collagen diet foods, you can keep your body healthy along with your skin.
Be aware though that simply adopting a ultra-pure collagen diet will not keep your skin smooth and firm for years and years.
  If this is your goal, then you may want to look into anti-aging skin care products.
Here's the secret to finding effective anti aging products: you need to find products that contain ingredients to stimulate collagen and elastin production inside your skin.
  The most potent ingredient that does this is CynergyTK.
  Simply using products like pills, creams, or lotions that contain collagen protein is useless, seeing that collagen molecules are complex and are too large to penetrate through the skin.
  Make no mistake about it.
  Adopting an ultra-pure collagen diet can help keep your skin looking younger longer.
  But along with a collagen diet, using skin care products rich in antioxidants, essential oils, moisturizers, vitamins, and emollients will further help you keep your skin healthy and wrinkle free for years to come.

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