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Genital Wart Removal - Home Remedies

When it comes to genital wart removal home remedies are a dime a dozen.
There are so many out there and it's very difficult to research and choose a good one.
They all claim to be very effective but, at least in my experience, very few are.
I've had genital warts for eight years now and I've tried everything.
If you are new to them, here are some pointers.
First of all, stay away from the newest "miracle" cure being touted on the internet.
I've tried everything from Listerine and Vicks to butter and hair gel.
Nothing relieved the symptoms.
I strongly suggest finding a good homeopathic genital wart remedy.
Homeopathy is like vaccinations.
It uses the cause of the ailment in the treatement.
It's very effective and has recently been recognized by the FDA as a valid medical practice.
A good treatment will be able to handle all symptoms associated with genital warts.
It will contain several ingredients and all will cover specific symptoms like bleeding, itching or burning.
I've found the following ingredients to be very effective in treating my outbreaks.
Tree of life is wonderful for reducing the size and amount of the warts.
Black Sulphide is terrific for treating the outbreaks that resemble measles.
Potassium Hydrate will greatly reduce, or get rid of altogether, the itching and burning.
There are many other ingredients that work very well for various symptoms but the above cover the main ones.
Choosing good genital wart removal home remedies can be a chore.
There's a lot of guesswork involved.

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