Last Will and Testament Information
A will is a document in which a person gives rights over his or her property or family to others.
This, for all intents and purposes, is what you will use to ensure that everything goes smoothly after you die.
While it can be a difficult concept to think about something as far off as that, it is certainly a good idea to be prepared for the worst.
If you are thinking about drafting a will, here are a few things that wills require: "Publication" of the will must be made.
This basically means that the maker of the will must identify him or herself as such, and clearly state that a will is being made.
This is often taken care of by simply writing "last will and testament" on the first page.
The maker must also revoke all previous wills.
If this step is not taken, the earlier wills can only be partially revoked at inconsistencies.
The only way for the previous wills to be completely revoked in this case would be having the new will completely inconsistent with the old one.
The maker also must show that he or she is willing and able to dispose of and disperse the property in question.
Finally, the will must be signed and dated in the presence of disinterested witnesses.
This means that beneficiaries cannot be witnesses on the same will.
The signature must come at the very end of the will.
Any text following the signature is considered void, and will not be valid.
This can be done by any person over the age of majority.
This is the age at which a person is no longer a minor, and is able to care for him or herself.
After the maker of the will has died, the legal process of settling the estate can be brought to court in order to determine the validity of the will.
This is also the time when an executor of the will is appointed.
Generally, the executor is appointed by the maker of the will, and is supposed to take the document to court, and carry out the directions on the will.
The executor should also take care of disbursing property to the beneficiaries, finding other potential heirs, collecting and arranging for the payment of estate debt, as well as several other duties that depend on the will.
If you would like to learn more about the process involved in writing and carrying out a will, you can reference the Boca Raton property division lawyers of Eric Klein & Associates at http://www.
This, for all intents and purposes, is what you will use to ensure that everything goes smoothly after you die.
While it can be a difficult concept to think about something as far off as that, it is certainly a good idea to be prepared for the worst.
If you are thinking about drafting a will, here are a few things that wills require: "Publication" of the will must be made.
This basically means that the maker of the will must identify him or herself as such, and clearly state that a will is being made.
This is often taken care of by simply writing "last will and testament" on the first page.
The maker must also revoke all previous wills.
If this step is not taken, the earlier wills can only be partially revoked at inconsistencies.
The only way for the previous wills to be completely revoked in this case would be having the new will completely inconsistent with the old one.
The maker also must show that he or she is willing and able to dispose of and disperse the property in question.
Finally, the will must be signed and dated in the presence of disinterested witnesses.
This means that beneficiaries cannot be witnesses on the same will.
The signature must come at the very end of the will.
Any text following the signature is considered void, and will not be valid.
This can be done by any person over the age of majority.
This is the age at which a person is no longer a minor, and is able to care for him or herself.
After the maker of the will has died, the legal process of settling the estate can be brought to court in order to determine the validity of the will.
This is also the time when an executor of the will is appointed.
Generally, the executor is appointed by the maker of the will, and is supposed to take the document to court, and carry out the directions on the will.
The executor should also take care of disbursing property to the beneficiaries, finding other potential heirs, collecting and arranging for the payment of estate debt, as well as several other duties that depend on the will.
If you would like to learn more about the process involved in writing and carrying out a will, you can reference the Boca Raton property division lawyers of Eric Klein & Associates at http://www.