How to Speed Up Child Birth
- 1). Change your position if you are lying on your back. Lying on your back is not the most natural way to have a baby, and it actually defies the laws of gravity. To help child delivery, sit in a squatting, kneeling or sitting position. In addition to being anatomically frustrating, giving birth while lying on the back can increase pain and tearing of the vagina. Delivering a child in a squatting, kneeling or sitting position can actually shorten labor time because gravity is on your side and these positions may be more comfortable for the mother-to-be.
- 2). Stimulate the nipples or rub the breasts. Gentle rolling, rubbing or suckling of the nipple or stimulation of the breasts can increase the production of the oxytocin, a hormone that causes stronger and longer contractions. It is important to also massage the areola, the darkened circle surrounding the nipple, to release oxytocin. It is advised that you only massage one breast at a time for only five minutes and not during a contraction as the release of oxytocin triggers strong effects similar to that of Pitocin, which is synthetic oxytocin used in hospital situations to induce labor.
- 3). Continue to touch the mother to stimulate hormones. If stimulating the breasts has led to substantial arousal, try to bring about an orgasm by either manual stimulation or, if possible, sexual intercourse if the woman has not yet begun to experience contractions by this time. This can help to bring on labor for two reasons. First of all, the female orgasm can actually bring about contractions. Secondly, if you have sex with a partner, the prostaglandins contained in sperm help to soften and contract the cervix to allow the fetus to pass through.
- 4). Drink two ounces of Castor oil. Castor oil has been used to induce labor for years. Since it is a laxative, it has unpleasant side effects such as diarrhea, abdominal cramping and vomiting. It should only be used if you are 40 weeks pregnant, already showing signs of labor and only if your cervix is soft and thinning. If you are dilated and effaced, this will increase your chances of Castor oil being effective.