Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

How to Send Songs to My Verizon Phone

    • 1). Install V CAST Music with Rhapsody or V CAST Media Manager if you have not already done so. Use the setup CD included with your cell phone or download V CAST Music with Rhapsody from the Verizon Wireless website.

    • 2). Launch your V CAST media utility.

    • 3). Add music from your personal collection to the utility's library using the "Add to Library" function from the "File" menu. Skip this step if you chose directories from your computer to automatically add to the library during the utility's setup.

    • 4). Connect the phone to your computer using its USB adapter. Your phone's device icon will appear in the left navigation pane's source menu.

    • 5). Drag and drop song icons from the V CAST utility's library pane directly onto the phone's icon.

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