Law & Legal & Attorney Real estate & property Law

How to Locate Property Owners by Address

    • 1). Access the property deed. Go online to the clerk of court in the county in which the property is located. Click on the link where you can search public records. Enter the property address and choose "Deed" for the type of document. You should see a copy of the recorded deed showing the present owner, past owner and date of purchase. Some sites allow you to print the information while others request payment and mail you the document.

    • 2). Visit the county appraiser's website. Find the website of the property appraiser of the county in which the property is located. Click on the "Search database" link and accept the disclaimer. Search by property address.The assessor's information sheet should appear when you locate the subject property. It will show the name of the owners.

    • 3). Remain cautious when contacting the owner. Sometimes property is sold on a deed of sale and the sale is not recorded until a later date. This type of sale gives the buyer equitable title which means he has all the rights of ownership but the legal records do not show him as the owner of the property. The tax bills remain in the previous owner's name until title is legally transferred to the new owner by recording a deed in the county clerk's office.

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