How to Reset My Router With My Laptop
- 1). Connect your laptop to the network being created by the router. For wireless routers, this can be done using a wireless Internet connection. If no wireless is available, an Ethernet cable will need to be used to connect the laptop directly to the router.
- 2). Open your Internet browser. Enter your router's home IP address into the address bar to navigate to your router's home page. The IP address will be provided by your router's manufacturer and will vary between makes and models of router. This process will take you to the router's administration page.
- 3). Enter the administrative user name and password when prompted. For many routers, the default setting is to leave the user name blank and to enter "admin" as the password. If you have forgotten your user name and password, check with your router manufacturer to determine the default master password for your make and model of router.
- 4). Navigate to the "Administration" section of your router's home screen. The location of this section will vary based on your router. Select the option for restoring factory defaults on your router to reset the router completely.