How to Write a Personal Policy in Preschool & What to Include
- 1). Create a list including your life roles, your strengths and your future plans. This list serves as your outline for the finished product.
- 2). Use the outline to expand the policy into paragraphs. Beginning with the life roles, discuss each role and how it relates to success in teaching preschool. For example, if you are a mother or aunt, discuss how these roles bring a unique perspective to the preschool classroom.
- 3). Move to the next paragraph and define the future. The outline from Step 1 will logically move into this paragraph. The future includes your goals, such as furthering your education in preschool initiatives or studying classroom practices to improve teaching methods. This section is flexible to adapt to changes as goals are met.
- 4). Write a rough draft for editing and review. Write the first copy in paragraph style, and double or triple space it to allow for editing. Read this copy and check it for mistakes before typing it into a final copy.
- 5). Type a finished copy on a word processor. Double space the document and proofread for errors. When the finished copy is ready, present a copy to the preschool for your personnel file and keep a copy for your personal records.