Insurance Auto Insurance & Registration

Overseas Auto-Insurance - How Much Coverage Do You Really Have?

When signing up for overseas auto-insurance, it is important to know how much coverage you are actually getting.
This will have a lot to do with how much you can expect to pay for the entire insurance package.
Damage liability is one of the most important factors to consider in this regard, and this will include bodily injury liability as well as property damage liability.
The former will cover costs associated with injury or death in the worse case scenario, and the latter will cover you in the event of damage to property that you may cause in the event of an accident.
Bodily injury liability will also cover you from legal costs arising from an accident.
Another factor to consider in foreign car insurance is the medical payments.
This will pay for medical bills that arise from injuries to you and other people that were in the car at the time of the accident.
Keep in mind that some countries may instead have a personal injury protection clause that takes the place of the medical payments clause.
In the event that you get into an accident that involves a driver of another vehicle who is either uninsured, does not have sufficient insurance, or is a "hit-and-run" driver, you will need to have uninsured motorist protection.
This part of the policy will cover the costs of injuries to you as well as other occupants of the car you are driving at the time of the accident, and is essential in ensuring that your overseas auto-insurance policy covers you for any eventuality.

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