Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Follow These Tips To Care For Your Skin

Skin care is not just about beautification and cosmetic enhancement. Taking care of your skin can improve your overall health and make you feel a lot better about yourself, no matter who you are. The skin is the body's largest organ, and neglecting it can be downright dangerous. Here are a few quick tips to help you treat your skin better:

If you don't already have a moisturizing routine for your skin, make one. Even people with oily skin should moisturize daily to keep their skin as healthy as possible. People who already moisturize should be careful not to over moisturize. Applying moisturizer more than once a day is excessive, as well as, damaging to your skin.

If you have combination skin, you need to address two challenges at once. First you will want to get a handle on the oil production, usually in the "T-zone" extending across your forehead and then vertically down your nose and chin. The second, is to provide enough moisture to the dry areas of your skin, usually your cheeks. You can achieve both goals by assiduously washing with gentle cleansers that will remove excess oil, without stripping your skin completely and then making sure the dry areas of your face are adequately moisturized.

The suns rays are at their highest from 10am to 2pm. Avoid direct sun exposure during these hours, by wearing a sunscreen or protective clothing. The harmful rays from the sun will prematurely age your skin and make you appear older than you actually are. Reversing these affects can be difficult to do later.

For a skin-cooling treat, store your sunscreen and moisturizer in a cooler when you visit the beach or spend time outdoors. In addition to imparting a soothing and skin-cooling sensation on your skin, the cold liquid will also help to constrict blood vessels in your face. This will then make your face appear less flushed after outdoor activity.

Whether your skin tone is light or dark, always use sunscreen on sunny days. Not only does over-exposure to sunlight cause skin cancer, it also ages your skin much faster. If you have an especially light complexion, avoid tanning too much. When you reduce your skin's exposure to the sun, you will reduce years to your appearance.

Before using a new skincare product all over your body, it is advisable to apply a small amount of the product to a hidden part of your skin first. That way, if an allergic reaction does occur, only a small amount of skin will be damaged. Remember, products that contain natural organic ingredients can still be irritating. Tea tree oil, lavender oil, lemon juice and chamomile often provoke an allergic reaction on sensitive skin.

Even a little bit of skin care can go a long way. When you pay a little bit of attention to your skin's health, it will reward you many times over. Besides improving your overall health, taking care of your skin will keep you looking younger and healthier for years to come.

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