Health & Medical Heart Diseases

Things That Raise HDL

    • High-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or HDL cholesterol, is known as the "good cholesterol," because of its ability to clear the arteries of "bad cholesterol," or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, or LDL. To prevent heart disease, doctors instruct patients to lower levels of LDL cholesterol, while raising HDL levels. Lifestyle changes, along with dietary adjustments, help patients reach the right ration of good and bad cholesterol to fight heart disease.


    • Aerobic exercise increases HDL cholesterol by as much as 10 percent when you get at least 30 minutes of exercise five days a week. Aerobic activity includes brisk walking, jogging, bicycling, swimming or any exercise that raises your heart rate.

    Smoking Cessation

    • Smoking cessation brings many health benefits, including a raise in HDL cholesterol by as much as 10 percent. Tobacco changes the chemical composition of HDL cholesterol and causes it to lose its beneficial effect, according to the Mayo Clinic.

    Weight Control

    • Obesity can lower your levels of HDL cholesterol. Losing a few pounds helps you in a variety of ways, including increasing levels of HDL. To lose weight effectively, you will be changing your diet and getting more physical exercise, which also benefit HDL levels. According to Harvard Women's Health Watch, losing just seven pounds increases your HDL levels by 1 mg/dL.


    • Doctors prescribe statin drugs, such as Lipitor, to lower LDL cholesterol, but they also help to raise good cholesterol at the same time. Niacin is an over-the-counter drug that has shown to be the most beneficial for increasing HDL levels. Niacin is available over the counter, but you should obtain your doctor's guidance before using this medication.

    Alcohol Consumption

    • According to the Mayo Clinic, moderate alcohol consumption may be able to help raise HDL cholesterol levels. The evidence that alcohol raises good cholesterol levels does not warrant an endorsement of drinking for those who abstain, but those who already consume alcohol may see a rise in their levels, with moderate consumption.


    • Nutritionists and doctors recommend a healthy diet that limits the amount and type of fat consumed to lower LDL cholesterol levels, but there is also a benefit for HDL levels. Healthy fats, such as unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats from olive oil and canola oil, improve the benefits of HDL cholesterol. Choosing healthier fats improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol. High carbohydrate foods, such as cereals and bread, are linked with lower HDL cholesterol levels and should be minimized on a healthy diet.

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