Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Flat Roofs Or Traditional RoofsWhich Are Better

The type of roof you want to have should be in consideration of the type of building it will be placed on. Commercial buildings can benefit from a flat roof for a number of reasons but it should not be assumed that a traditional roof is the only choice for a residential building. Before deciding between a flat roof and a traditional roof, it is important to know some of the differences that exist between the two.

A flat roof offer many advantages which include being a high performance, cost effective roof as compared to other types on the market today. On major positive point for a roof schedule that has a relatively short time line is that a flat roof can be constructed rather quickly. For a commercial structure that needs to be erected quickly and put to use, this can spell a great way to meet deadlines, keep costs down to a minimum and to have a low maintenance cover that can hold a decorative finish, such as coordination with an advertisement sign.

For most homes, however, the contrasting traditional roof is the preference, particularly with multi-storied designs that bump out into bay window covers and enclosed front porches with ornate railings and eaves. Old Victorian homes may support a flat roof for a front tower and the midsection of the home, but even these areas are typically designed with a traditional roof that peaks and accentuates the overall exterior design.

A traditional roof has some benefits over a flat roof. One of the major benefits is that there are no flat spots for water, snow, ice or dirt to accumulate. Shingles provide an added layer of protection that is also a means of cutting down heating and cooling costs. Traditional roofing also provides storage or living space such as an attic bedroom.

If your budget has some constraints and you need a roof replacement, you may want to consider replacing with a flat roof but this will not work for all roofing conditions. For example, a traditional roof cannot be replaced with a flat roof without destroying the look of the home.

Take the existing roof into consideration. Deciding between a flat or traditional roof may involve a slight upgrade that can make repairs look like new or a new roof give a completely new look to the entire exterior front and sides of the building.

Research both types of roof in terms of the contractors you have access to. Compare prices and the quality of work each contractor you are interested in has done. Find a contractor who specializes in one type of roof or the other and check to see if they will match the price of a lower competitor. This is often a way to get the best of both worlds where quality of workmanship and low price are concerned.

Remember that the type of roof you choose will be on top of your building for many years to come so choose wisely and make your investment count.

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