Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

How to Screen a Mobile Phone

    • 1). Activate caller ID on the mobile phone. Most mobile service carriers provide caller ID as a feature on all service plans. However, if caller ID is not activated on your phone, call the service carrier's support line and request to have it activated.

    • 2). Check the caller ID on the mobile phone before answering. Only answer calls from people you want to speak to.

    • 3). Sign up or use the calling services provided by your mobile wireless carrier. For example, some carriers provide Visual Voicemail, which allows users to see the voicemails from callers in a list. When you receive a phone call, let it go to voicemail, then select the voicemail from the person who is important to you and decide whether you want to return the call.

    • 4). Sign up for a third-party service. Google Voice, 3jam and Skype all offer call forwarding and voicemail transcription services. Configure the services to block calls, view caller ID, only allow calls to reach your cell phone at certain times and view voicemail transcripts from your phone or computer. You can then decide whether you want to answer or return calls based on the caller.

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