Travel & Places Outdoors

Cycle To Better Health and Life!

Isn't it true, that when a task is fun, it no longer remains a task? What if exercise was the same? Could that be done? Why yes! anyone can achieve better health by simply getting on their bike and go cycling! Cycling is not only an activity meant for leisure but it also gives numerous health benefits. It is up to a person, whether he wants to incorporate both, fun & health in his lifestyle.

As mentioned earlier, there are many health benefits associated with bicycling. A few of the major benefits are mentioned herein:

1) One of the simplest form of exercise:
You and your bike can go anywhere, anytime, without much! A pair of good shoes & a helmet, is all you need to have. Choose a route & dedicate a little time of your day to cycling. Cycling is pretty easy to learn & after that you cannot forget. So even if a person is new to cycling, they can easily pick it up.

2) Burns off those calories:
Want to fit in those really cool clothes you saw while window shopping, but unfortunately cannot because of the adipose tissue or simply called, fat? Cycling can lead the way to that clothe store! A simple decision and a dedication to the decision of cycling will burn those calories & get anyone in shape.

3) Builds strength & tones muscle:
Cycling allows a person to achieve and build core strength essential for toning muscles. Cycling is a lot more than working your legs. In fact, it is a complete cardio workout for your whole body - from legs to thighs to hips. You can see the difference pretty soon.

4) Enhances stamina:
Anyone who establishes a regular habit of cycling can enhance their stamina. Cycling is a proven and effective way of increasing the same.

5) Improves cardio-vascular health:
A steady, pumping heart is definitely and obviously a sign of a very good health. Studies have propounded that increases cardiovascular fitness by 3-7% since it uses the largest muscle groups - the legs.

6) Stress Buster:
Regular workout cuts down stress levels and if someone suffers from depression, it too can be relieved. Exercise rejuvenates the body and mind as your body releases a 'feel good' hormone called Endorphins, which makes a person feel happy & well. So a good way to start and stick to the regime, is cycling. One can do it either indoors or outdoors, depending on the equipment one owns. Though outdoor cycling is advised as one could breathe in the fresh air and it rids of boredom.

7) Improves heart health:
Yes, cycling improves the heart's health if incorporated into our lifestyle and done on a regular basis. A study by British Medical Association revealed that cycling for merely 20 miles a week can reduce the chances of having a coronary heart disease by a whopping 50% when compared with non-cyclists! 50%! Isn't that amazing?!

So what are you waiting for?! Go grab a bicycle and unleash a world health benefits and eventually a good life!

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