Technology Programming

Self Designed Holidays

Hotel reservation system

Many tourists wanting to travel to other cities and countries are not really familiar with the accommodation options available there. They have to rely on various tour operators and personal references to decide where they would like to stay. Alternately they may get some references at the airport on arrival. There is a dire need for a good hotel reservation system. This will enable people to have a look at the pictorals of various hotels, see their interiors, exteriors and amenities. They can also read about the various facilities available, the places to visit nearby, the kind of rooms available and other details about the hotel. The tourists can compare the various hotels available and choose the one they would like to stay at. The hotel reservation system is an application prepared by which enables customers with the facility to book the hotel of their choice, using the internet. It is highly reliable and secure. This can also be integrated with the website of the hotel. At the moment, this hotel reservation system is linked to about 4500 hotels. This system is able to offer you the best discounts and no fee is charged for this booking, even if you change or cancel it

Hotel booking engine

A hotel booking engine is an application available to users via the internet, by which they can book accommodation for specified number of days in a defined hotel. uses the best technology in the field of ecommerce to offer a secure and reliable hotel booking engine. Since this engine is aligned to the website of the hotel, the customer can book their rooms themselves, online. Since there is minimal interfacing by a live person, it can be speedy and decisive. The amount of interactive modules of the booking engine depends on the creativity used in developing the application. The unimpeded interaction with the customer enables the hotel to update the packages offered in real time. The simplicity of the hotel booking engine enables everyone to click and book their rooms directly. This application minimizes the hotelâEUR(TM)s reliance on booking agents. This engine is able to collate and offer the best discounts at various hotels. The 24/7 support offered by the hotel booking engine makes hotel bookings easier from any time zone across the world.

Hotel internet marketing

Hotel internet marketing involves creating a buzz about the client for whom the marketing is being done. The aim is to generate a high word of mouth, high hit rates on the hotelâEUR(TM)s website and touch as many potential clients as possible using various techniques on the internet, including social media. develops solutions for various hotels to enhance the quality of their marketing initiatives. This includes upgrading their websites and optimizing them. Our expert search engine optimizers use the best of technology to enhance the traffic on your website. Our hotel internet marketing team members promote your hotelâEUR(TM)s brand along with nurturing relationships with travel agents of repute and the end customers. The basic aim of hotel internet marketing is to increase the occupancy rates of your hotel. We can design and send emails, e-brochures, catalogues and other content to target databases. We provide detailed analysis of the data collected as a part of the marketing support.

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