Law & Legal & Attorney Accidents & personal injury Law

Dangerous and Defective Products - Know Your Rights

If you have been hurt by using a manufactured product that you purchased where no warning was given about the potential for injury, then you do have recourse.
You are, justly, entitled to compensation for pain, suffering, or any lingering injuries.
Don't Let Big Companies Push You Around Often, when people are hurt when using harmful products, the company decides that is not their fault, but the fault of the consumer for getting hurt.
If this happens to you, be very careful and don't let them pull the wool over your eyes - contact a personal injury lawyer whose job it is to protect your own interests.
They will fight for you and will know your rights - and the law - better than you do.
One big trick that large companies use when they are trying to avoid a lawsuit is try to offer you a small gift certificate or amount of money.
If you accept it and use the certificate or spend the money, you relinquish all rights to file a lawsuit against the company.
If a big company tries to send you a "gift," make sure not to accept it - and make a note with your lawyer to record that the company tried to "compensate" you with a small gift and you did not accept it.
Most people are not aware of how to handle this situation, and it can substantially damage your case if you accept something as an 'apology' from the company that sells the product that injured you.
Know the Law There are laws out there to protect consumers against buying products that could cause harm to them.
They are called product-liability laws, and they are the most effective laws in use - they help to keep harmful products off the market.
If you have a personal injury from using any type of product, make sure to file a complaint and then a lawsuit (if necessary), so that you can help get other harmful products off of the market - and keep them from harming you or others again.
Keep Your Emotions at Bay As hard as it may be, you must keep your emotions in check, and keep them from guiding you toward bad decisions.
Don't allow anyone to make you think that your personal injury lawsuit is unjust.
The only way to know if you have the right to file a claim is to ask and discuss your case with a personal injury lawyer.
If the lawyer sees the claim as valid, he or she will represent your case to help you win the lawsuit.
Don't be afraid to get a lawyer and let him or her know what type and brand of product caused your personal injury.
If you are entitled to cash or other compensation, getting a personal injury attorney is the best way to get what you're entitled to.
Most of the time, if you are harmed by a product that didn't have a warning label, a lawyer will take your case against the company in question without a retainer because they know that a lawsuit will win.
This is good for you, because you will only have to pay the lawyer if you win your case; and in most cases, the fee will be taken out of the settlement or paid by the other side.
Don't let big companies try to give you little nothings; fight for and get what you deserve for your personal injury and help protect everyone from defective and unsafe products.

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