How to Choose a Name for Your Blog
Your name must be describable It is very important that your blog's name have to describe your specific aim and niche or niches with your blog.
The reason for this is that readers are going to search for a specific topic and if your blog's name is the same, they will end up at your site.
They will also remember your blog's name and automatically the content of your blog.
Choose a name, which is easy to remember Let us say your blog is about gardening and home cleaning ideas.
If you name it "The Blog with best gardening and home cleaning ideas ", it is definitely descriptive but I am not so sure if your readers are going to remember the name.
Choose short and simple names like: "Garden and Home ".
This is also descriptive but easier to remember.
Try to choose a name similar to your domain name This is a difficult one.
To find a domain name in your specific niche is not so easy.
In many of the cases that specific name is not available.
I personally like the domain name ending on something.
com, something.
net or something.
How to choose a name for your blog: If I have to choose, I will definitely go for something.
If you cannot find your specific niche name for a domain, this is not the end of the world.
You can use your own name as domain.
You can for example name it johnsmit.
Brand yourself and your name on your blog and your audience will associate it with your specific niche.
Your niche will then become a sub domain.
com/gardenandhome/ A big advantage of choosing your own name as domain name is that you can decide to use it for your home site as well to enhance your branding.
To summarize, let it become a fun process.
There are many affiliate marketers who are successful by selecting their own name, blog name and brand.
Then there are those who make use of a special subject or use their experiences of the past to come up with a good name for their blog.
You can also enjoy the process by playing around with words.
There are so much more to tell, but I hope these three points will help you in choosing a name for your blog.
Please comment on this blog.
Enjoy your blogging! Jan
Your name must be describable It is very important that your blog's name have to describe your specific aim and niche or niches with your blog.
The reason for this is that readers are going to search for a specific topic and if your blog's name is the same, they will end up at your site.
They will also remember your blog's name and automatically the content of your blog.
Choose a name, which is easy to remember Let us say your blog is about gardening and home cleaning ideas.
If you name it "The Blog with best gardening and home cleaning ideas ", it is definitely descriptive but I am not so sure if your readers are going to remember the name.
Choose short and simple names like: "Garden and Home ".
This is also descriptive but easier to remember.
Try to choose a name similar to your domain name This is a difficult one.
To find a domain name in your specific niche is not so easy.
In many of the cases that specific name is not available.
I personally like the domain name ending on something.
com, something.
net or something.
How to choose a name for your blog: If I have to choose, I will definitely go for something.
If you cannot find your specific niche name for a domain, this is not the end of the world.
You can use your own name as domain.
You can for example name it johnsmit.
Brand yourself and your name on your blog and your audience will associate it with your specific niche.
Your niche will then become a sub domain.
com/gardenandhome/ A big advantage of choosing your own name as domain name is that you can decide to use it for your home site as well to enhance your branding.
To summarize, let it become a fun process.
There are many affiliate marketers who are successful by selecting their own name, blog name and brand.
Then there are those who make use of a special subject or use their experiences of the past to come up with a good name for their blog.
You can also enjoy the process by playing around with words.
There are so much more to tell, but I hope these three points will help you in choosing a name for your blog.
Please comment on this blog.
Enjoy your blogging! Jan