Technology Electronics

The Advantages of Telephone Conferencing

    • A conference call is the coined phrase for telephone conferencing. A telephone conference is conducted when three or more people, located in different places physically, are connected through a central switchboard system. Telephone conference is used in various forms of business, educational and personal settings---lending many advantages its users.

    Cost Efficient

    • Telephoning conferencing is cost efficient due to participants calling in from remote places. Gasoline, travel or hotel fees are eliminated when training, business or personal calls need to be attended. Any fees incurred from obtaining a conference telephone system are relatively smaller compared to travel cost and possible hotel arrangements. Moreover, there is no need to get all dressed up for a telephone conference; the dress code is come as you are.

    Accessible and Technical Advantages

    • Telephone conferences are accessible---participants can call-in from any given location. Telephone conference lines can open to a large amount of people-- allowing more people to participate on a call than could possibly be held at a single location.

      The accessibility of telephone conference makes incorporating print, video or using computers along with conferencing easier. This technology is highly familiar to all users.

    Time Saver

    • Telephone conferences are usually organized in such a way that saves time in order to get all scheduled information completed in a timely fashion. There is usually an introduction, agenda items, and a conclusion followed by a Q & A session. The schedule might vary for other forms of conferencing but still have an outlined time frame.

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