Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Stress Causes Physical and Mental Disorders

It has been proven beyond an iota of doubt that stress causes a variety of debilitating disorders that can be very harmful to our physical as well as our mental well-being.
Those people who have a low tolerance for stress are at greater risk of contracting such physical and mental disorders.
There are effective methods of dealing with stress, however, and this involves having a methodical approach to the treatment of stress.
All of this starts with first recognizing the causes of stress and acknowledging that one is indeed overly stressed.
A few of the physical disorders that stress causes include heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, headaches, ulcers, colitis, respiratory disease and muscular tension.
Some of these disorders can be debilitating or even potentially fatal.
Some of the mental disorders associated with stress include anxiety disorders, mental illness and depression among others.
Mental disorders are generally more difficult to detect and diagnose than physical disorders, making them much more dangerous than the physical ones.
Negative Effects Of Stress Stress can be both a direct and an indirect cause of medical disorders in people.
It all depends on the way in which our bodies react to stress and how well we cope with it.
Stress causes our heart rate and blood pressure to rise, among other bodily reactions.
If such reactions occur frequently, it increases our risk of contracting heart disease and respiratory ailments.
Some people are overly sensitive to stress and it can cause them to suffer from anxiety and depression.
There are also some people who are more prone to developing the disorders associated with stress, and they must understand how to cope with stress in order to avoid such disorders.
One of the major disorders that stress causes is diabetes.
People who are stressed often overindulge in food, and this leads to an increased incidence of diabetes.
Obesity is known to be one of the contributing factors to diabetes, which is very detrimental to a person's health.
Positive Effects Of Stress A large number of disorders can be indirectly or directly linked to stress, many of which are potentially fatal.
However, despite the various illnesses and disorders associated with stress, it also has a positive side, however.
Stress can drive people to improve their performance and to work harder.
Times of great stress are also excellent opportunities for people to show how capable they are.
You must remember, however, that while occasional exposure to stressful situations may be beneficial to us, constant exposure is detrimental to our mental and physical well-being.
Often, the sources of stress in our lives are easily avoided, and may even be of our own making.
As such, we know very well how to avoid or get rid of these sources of stress.
A better understanding of the disorders and illnesses associated with stress will surely be a great motivation for us to avoid becoming overly stressed.
Properly managing stress is sure to give us greater confidence in all areas of our lives and avoid all the physical and mental disorders that stress causes.

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