Diabetes Professionals
The treatment of Type II diabetes requires a team approach. Many diabetics do not have a team of professionals to help them control their diabetes or even give them valuable information on their condition. Diabetics are often ill informed on the many professionals that are available and who can help them control their condition.
There are a number of professionals who specifically deal with diabetes and are especially qualified to work with patients with Type II diabetes. The following is a list of professionals that are available to help you with your condition.
• Medical doctor
• Nurse educator
• Registered dietitian
• Endocrinologist
• Eye doctor
• Podiatrist
• Social workers
• Dentists
• Exercise physiologist
• Chiropractors
• Functional endocrinologist
People are often surprised to see that chiropractors are a part of health care professionals that can assist diabetics. Chiropractors are actually required to have nutrition education as part of their degree, which makes them especially qualified to work with Type II diabetes patients. Chiropractors are necessary for patients suffering from diabetes because nutrition is a big part of controlling diabetes. With proper nutritional advice, many people with Type II diabetes are able to take back control of their lives as well as reverse some of the damage caused by diabetes.
Many chiropractors, naturopathic doctors and some medical doctors today are explicitly trained in functional endocrinology. This means that they have an intricate knowledge and understanding on how the different organ systems work and also establish which organs are not working as they should. Functional endocrinologists are a necessity if you are to have a medical team that is able to effectively control your diabetes.
A traditional endocrinologist uses blood work and your blood sugar levels to determine what medication is necessary to control your diabetes. A health professional that practices functional endocrinology on the other hand looks at the same blood sugar levels on the blood work and seeks instead to determine what caused them to be high or low in addition to helping you control your blood sugar levels. A health professional that practices functional endocrinology is more likely to get to the source of the problem and then effectively work towards reversing it. This also results in much better outcomes for a person suffering from Type II diabetes.
There are a number of professionals who specifically deal with diabetes and are especially qualified to work with patients with Type II diabetes. The following is a list of professionals that are available to help you with your condition.
• Medical doctor
• Nurse educator
• Registered dietitian
• Endocrinologist
• Eye doctor
• Podiatrist
• Social workers
• Dentists
• Exercise physiologist
• Chiropractors
• Functional endocrinologist
People are often surprised to see that chiropractors are a part of health care professionals that can assist diabetics. Chiropractors are actually required to have nutrition education as part of their degree, which makes them especially qualified to work with Type II diabetes patients. Chiropractors are necessary for patients suffering from diabetes because nutrition is a big part of controlling diabetes. With proper nutritional advice, many people with Type II diabetes are able to take back control of their lives as well as reverse some of the damage caused by diabetes.
Many chiropractors, naturopathic doctors and some medical doctors today are explicitly trained in functional endocrinology. This means that they have an intricate knowledge and understanding on how the different organ systems work and also establish which organs are not working as they should. Functional endocrinologists are a necessity if you are to have a medical team that is able to effectively control your diabetes.
A traditional endocrinologist uses blood work and your blood sugar levels to determine what medication is necessary to control your diabetes. A health professional that practices functional endocrinology on the other hand looks at the same blood sugar levels on the blood work and seeks instead to determine what caused them to be high or low in addition to helping you control your blood sugar levels. A health professional that practices functional endocrinology is more likely to get to the source of the problem and then effectively work towards reversing it. This also results in much better outcomes for a person suffering from Type II diabetes.